If any files differ, replace the content on the **secondary** site with the
content from the **primary** site.
If any files differ, [manually replicate GitLab secrets](../replication/configuration.md#step-1-manually-replicate-secret-gitlab-values) and [replicate SSH host keys](../replication/configuration.md#step-2-manually-replicate-the-primary-sites-ssh-host-keys)
to the **secondary** site as necessary.
### Check that the correct certificates are installed for HTTPS
This step can be safely skipped if the **primary** site and all external sites accessed by the **primary** site use public CA-issued certificates.
If the **primary** site uses custom or self-signed TLS certificates to secure inbound connections or if the **primary** site connects to external services that use custom or self-signed certificates, the correct certificates should also be installed on the **secondary** site. Follow instructions for [using custom certificates](../replication/configuration.md#step-4-optional-using-custom-certificates) with **secondary** sites.