of your shiny new branch, read through the entire diff. Does it make sense?
of your shiny new branch, read through the entire diff. Does it make sense?
Did you include something unrelated to the overall purpose of the changes? Did
Did you include something unrelated to the overall purpose of the changes? Did
you forget to remove any debugging code?
you forget to remove any debugging code?
- Write a detailed description as outlined in the [merge request guidelines](contributing/merge_request_workflow.md#merge-request-guidelines).
- Write a detailed description as outlined in the [merge request guidelines](contributing/merge_request_workflow.md#merge-request-guidelines-for-contributors).
Some reviewers may not be familiar with the product feature or area of the
Some reviewers may not be familiar with the product feature or area of the
codebase. Thorough descriptions help all reviewers understand your request
codebase. Thorough descriptions help all reviewers understand your request
1. Follow the [commit messages guidelines](#commit-messages-guidelines).
1. Follow the [commit messages guidelines](#commit-messages-guidelines).
1. If you have multiple commits, combine them into a few logically organized
1. If you have multiple commits, combine them into a few logically organized commits.
commits by [squashing them](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History#_squashing),
but do not change the commit history if you're working on shared branches though.
1. Push the commits to your working branch in your fork.
1. Push the commits to your working branch in your fork.
1. Submit a merge request (MR) to the `main` branch in the main GitLab project.
1. Submit a merge request (MR) against the default branch of the upstream project.
1. Your merge request needs at least 1 approval, but depending on your changes
you might need additional approvals. Refer to the [Approval guidelines](../code_review.md#approval-guidelines).
1. You don't have to select any specific approvers, but you can if you really want
specific people to approve your merge request.
1. The MR title should describe the change you want to make.
1. The MR title should describe the change you want to make.
1. The MR description should give a reason for your change.
1. The MR description should give a reason for your change.
1. If you are contributing code, fill in the description according to the default
1. If you are contributing code, fill in the description according to the default
@@ -68,58 +58,15 @@ request is as follows:
@@ -68,58 +58,15 @@ request is as follows:
1. Use the syntax `Solves #XXX`, `Closes #XXX`, or `Refs #XXX` to mention the issues your merge
1. Use the syntax `Solves #XXX`, `Closes #XXX`, or `Refs #XXX` to mention the issues your merge
request addresses. Referenced issues do not [close automatically](../../user/project/issues/managing_issues.md#closing-issues-automatically).
request addresses. Referenced issues do not [close automatically](../../user/project/issues/managing_issues.md#closing-issues-automatically).
You must close them manually once the merge request is merged.
You must close them manually once the merge request is merged.
1. The MR must include *Before* and *After* screenshots if UI changes are made.
1. Include any steps or setup required to ensure reviewers can view the changes you've made (for example, include any information about feature flags).
1. If you're allowed to, set a relevant milestone and [labels](issue_workflow.md).
1. If you're allowed to, set a relevant milestone and [labels](issue_workflow.md).
MR labels should generally match the corresponding issue (if there is one).
MR labels should generally match the corresponding issue (if there is one).
The group label should reflect the group that executed or coached the work,
The group label should reflect the group that executed or coached the work,
not necessarily the group that owns the feature.
not necessarily the group that owns the feature.
1. UI changes should use available components from the GitLab Design System,
1. If the MR changes CSS classes, please include the list of affected pages, which
can be found by running `grep css-class ./app -R`.
1. If your MR touches code that executes shell commands, reads or opens files, or
handles paths to files on disk, make sure it adheres to the
[shell command guidelines](../shell_commands.md)
1.[Code changes should include observability instrumentation](../code_review.md#observability-instrumentation).
1. If your code needs to handle file storage, see the [uploads documentation](../uploads/index.md).
1. If your merge request adds one or more migrations, make sure to execute all
migrations on a fresh database before the MR is reviewed. If the review leads
to large changes in the MR, execute the migrations again once the review is complete.
1. Write tests for more complex migrations.
1. If your merge request adds new validations to existing models, to make sure the
data processing is backwards compatible:
- Ask in the [`#database`](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/CNZ8E900G) Slack channel
for assistance to execute the database query that checks the existing rows to
ensure existing rows aren't impacted by the change.
- Add the necessary validation with a feature flag to be gradually rolled out
following [the rollout steps](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product-development-flow/feature-flag-lifecycle/#rollout).
If this merge request is urgent, the code owners should make the final call on
whether reviewing existing rows should be included as an immediate follow-up task
to the merge request.
There isn't a way to know anything about our customers' data on their
[self-managed instances](../../subscriptions/self_managed/index.md), so keep
that in mind for any data implications with your merge request.
1. Merge requests **must** adhere to the [merge request performance guidelines](../merge_request_performance_guidelines.md).
1. For tests that use Capybara, read
[how to write reliable, asynchronous integration tests](https://thoughtbot.com/blog/write-reliable-asynchronous-integration-tests-with-capybara).
1. If your merge request introduces changes that require additional steps when
installing GitLab from source, add them to `doc/install/installation.md` in
the same merge request.
1. If your merge request introduces changes that require additional steps when
upgrading GitLab from source, add them to
`doc/update/upgrading_from_source.md` in the same merge request. If these
instructions are specific to a version, add them to the "Version specific
upgrading instructions" section.
1. Read and adhere to
1. Read and adhere to
[The responsibility of the merge request author](../code_review.md#the-responsibility-of-the-merge-request-author).
[The responsibility of the merge request author](../code_review.md#the-responsibility-of-the-merge-request-author).
1. Read and follow
1. Read and follow
[Having your merge request reviewed](../code_review.md#having-your-merge-request-reviewed).
[Having your merge request reviewed](../code_review.md#having-your-merge-request-reviewed).
1. Make sure the merge request meets the [Definition of done](#definition-of-done).
If you would like quick feedback on your merge request feel free to mention someone
If you would like quick feedback on your merge request feel free to mention someone
from the [core team](https://about.gitlab.com/community/core-team/) or one of the
from the [core team](https://about.gitlab.com/community/core-team/) or one of the
@@ -218,12 +165,12 @@ the contribution acceptance criteria below:
@@ -218,12 +165,12 @@ the contribution acceptance criteria below:
exposing a bug in existing code). Every new class should have corresponding
exposing a bug in existing code). Every new class should have corresponding
unit tests, even if the class is exercised at a higher level, such as a feature test.
unit tests, even if the class is exercised at a higher level, such as a feature test.
- If a failing CI build seems to be unrelated to your contribution, you can try
- If a failing CI build seems to be unrelated to your contribution, you can try
restarting the failing CI job, rebasing from `main` to bring in updates that
restarting the failing CI job, rebasing on top of target branch to bring in updates that
may resolve the failure, or if it has not been fixed yet, ask a developer to
may resolve the failure, or if it has not been fixed yet, ask a developer to
help you fix the test.
help you fix the test.
1. The MR initially contains a few logically organized commits.
1. The MR contains a few logically organized commits, or has [squashing commits enabled](../../user/project/merge_requests/squash_and_merge.md#squash-and-merge).
1. The changes can merge without problems. If not, you should rebase if you're the
1. The changes can merge without problems. If not, you should rebase if you're the
only one working on your feature branch, otherwise merge `main`.
only one working on your feature branch, otherwise merge the default branch into the MR branch.
1. Only one specific issue is fixed or one specific feature is implemented. Do not
1. Only one specific issue is fixed or one specific feature is implemented. Do not
combine things; send separate merge requests for each issue or feature.
combine things; send separate merge requests for each issue or feature.
1. Migrations should do only one thing (for example, create a table, move data to a new
1. Migrations should do only one thing (for example, create a table, move data to a new
@@ -258,13 +205,60 @@ requirements.
@@ -258,13 +205,60 @@ requirements.
### MR Merge
### MR Merge
1. Clear description explaining the relevancy of the contribution.
1. Clear title and description explaining the relevancy of the contribution.
1. Working and clean code that is commented where needed.
1. Working and clean code that is commented where needed.
1.[Unit, integration, and system tests](../testing_guide/index.md) that all pass
1. The change is evaluated to [limit the impact of far-reaching work](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/#reducing-the-impact-of-far-reaching-work).
on the CI server.
1. Testing:
1. Peer member testing is optional but recommended when the risk of a change is high. This includes when the changes are [far-reaching](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/#reducing-the-impact-of-far-reaching-work) or are for [components critical for security](../code_review.md#security).
1. Regressions and bugs are covered with tests that reduce the risk of the issue happening
-[Unit, integration, and system tests](../testing_guide/index.md) that all pass
on the CI server.
- Peer member testing is optional but recommended when the risk of a change is high.
This includes when the changes are [far-reaching](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/#reducing-the-impact-of-far-reaching-work)
or are for [components critical for security](../code_review.md#security).
- Description includes any steps or setup required to ensure reviewers can view the changes you've made (for example, include any information about feature flags).
- Regressions and bugs are covered with tests that reduce the risk of the issue happening
- For tests that use Capybara, read
[how to write reliable, asynchronous integration tests](https://thoughtbot.com/blog/write-reliable-asynchronous-integration-tests-with-capybara).
added if required. Please contact [the quality team](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#teams)
with any questions.
- The change is tested in a review app where possible and if appropriate.
1. In case of UI changes:
- Use available components from the GitLab Design System,
- The MR must include *Before* and *After* screenshots if UI changes are made.
- If the MR changes CSS classes, please include the list of affected pages, which
can be found by running `grep css-class ./app -R`.
1. If your MR touches code that executes shell commands, reads or opens files, or
handles paths to files on disk, make sure it adheres to the
[shell command guidelines](../shell_commands.md)
1.[Code changes should include observability instrumentation](../code_review.md#observability-instrumentation).
1. If your code needs to handle file storage, see the [uploads documentation](../uploads/index.md).
1. If your merge request adds one or more migrations:
- Make sure to execute all migrations on a fresh database before the MR is reviewed.
If the review leads to large changes in the MR, execute the migrations again
after the review is complete.
- Write tests for more complex migrations.
1. If your merge request adds new validations to existing models, to make sure the
data processing is backwards compatible:
- Ask in the [`#database`](https://gitlab.slack.com/archives/CNZ8E900G) Slack channel
for assistance to execute the database query that checks the existing rows to
ensure existing rows aren't impacted by the change.
- Add the necessary validation with a feature flag to be gradually rolled out
following [the rollout steps](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product-development-flow/feature-flag-lifecycle/#rollout).
If this merge request is urgent, the code owners should make the final call on
whether reviewing existing rows should be included as an immediate follow-up task
to the merge request.
There isn't a way to know anything about our customers' data on their
[self-managed instances](../../subscriptions/self_managed/index.md), so keep
that in mind for any data implications with your merge request.
1. Code affected by a feature flag is covered by [automated tests with the feature flag enabled and disabled](../feature_flags/index.md#feature-flags-in-tests), or both
1. Code affected by a feature flag is covered by [automated tests with the feature flag enabled and disabled](../feature_flags/index.md#feature-flags-in-tests), or both
states are tested as part of peer member testing or as part of the rollout plan.
states are tested as part of peer member testing or as part of the rollout plan.
1.[Performance guidelines](../merge_request_performance_guidelines.md) have been followed.
1.[Performance guidelines](../merge_request_performance_guidelines.md) have been followed.
@@ -272,16 +266,22 @@ requirements.
@@ -272,16 +266,22 @@ requirements.
1.[Application and rate limit guidelines](../merge_request_application_and_rate_limit_guidelines.md) have been followed.
1.[Application and rate limit guidelines](../merge_request_application_and_rate_limit_guidelines.md) have been followed.
1.[Documented](../documentation/index.md) in the `/doc` directory.
1.[Documented](../documentation/index.md) in the `/doc` directory.
1.[Changelog entry added](../changelog.md), if necessary.
1.[Changelog entry added](../changelog.md), if necessary.
1. If your merge request introduces changes that require additional steps when
installing GitLab from source, add them to `doc/install/installation.md` in
the same merge request.
1. If your merge request introduces changes that require additional steps when
upgrading GitLab from source, add them to
`doc/update/upgrading_from_source.md` in the same merge request. If these
instructions are specific to a version, add them to the "Version specific
upgrading instructions" section.
1. Reviewed by relevant reviewers, and all concerns are addressed for Availability, Regressions, and Security. Documentation reviews should take place as soon as possible, but they should not block a merge request.
1. Reviewed by relevant reviewers, and all concerns are addressed for Availability, Regressions, and Security. Documentation reviews should take place as soon as possible, but they should not block a merge request.
1. The [MR acceptance checklist](../code_review.md#acceptance-checklist) has been checked as confirmed in the MR.
1. The [MR acceptance checklist](../code_review.md#acceptance-checklist) has been checked as confirmed in the MR.
1. Create an issue in the [infrastructure issue tracker](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/infrastructure/-/issues) to inform the Infrastructure department when your contribution is changing default settings or introduces a new setting, if relevant.
1. Create an issue in the [infrastructure issue tracker](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/infrastructure/-/issues) to inform the Infrastructure department when your contribution is changing default settings or introduces a new setting, if relevant.
added if required. Please contact [the quality team](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#teams)
with any questions.
1. The change is tested in a review app where possible and if appropriate.
1. The new feature does not degrade the user experience of the product.
1. The change is evaluated to [limit the impact of far-reaching work](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/#reducing-the-impact-of-far-reaching-work).
1. An agreed-upon [rollout plan](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/processes/rollout-plans/).
1. An agreed-upon [rollout plan](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/processes/rollout-plans/).
1. Your merge request has at least 1 approval, but depending on your changes
you might need additional approvals. Refer to the [Approval guidelines](../code_review.md#approval-guidelines).
- You don't have to select any specific approvers, but you can if you really want