@@ -209,12 +209,18 @@ Specify a comma separated list of IP addresses that can access your GitLab Dedic
### SAML
GitLab Dedicated supports a limited number of SAML parameters. Parameters not shown in the configuration below are unavailable for GitLab Dedicated instances.
You can [configure SAML single sign-on (SSO)](../../integration/saml.md#configure-saml-support-in-gitlab) for your GitLab Dedicated instance.
- You must configure the identity provider before sending the required data to GitLab.
- You must [set up the identity provider (IdP)](../../integration/saml.md#set-up-identity-providers) before you can configure SAML for GitLab Dedicated.
- To configure GitLab to sign SAML authentication requests, you must create a private key and public certificate pair for your GitLab Dedicated instance.
#### Activate SAML with Switchboard
@@ -224,9 +230,23 @@ To activate SAML for your GitLab Dedicated instance:
1. At the top of the page, select **Configuration**.
1. Expand **SAML Config**.
1. Turn on the **Enable** toggle.
1. Complete the fields.
1. Complete the required fields:
- SAML label
- IdP cert fingerprint
- IdP SSO target URL
1. Optional. To configure users based on SAML group membership, complete the following fields:
- SAML group attribute
- Admin groups
- Auditor groups
- External groups
- Required groups
1. Optional. To configure SAML request signing, complete the following fields:
- Name identifier format
- Attribute statements
- Security
1. Select **Save**.
1. Scroll up to the top of the page and select whether to apply the changes immediately or during the next maintenance window.
1. Optional. To use group sync, [configure the SAML group links](../../user/group/saml_sso/group_sync.md#configure-saml-group-links).
1. To verify the SAML configuration is successful:
- Check that the SSO button description is displayed on your instance's sign-in page.
- Go to the metadata URL of your instance (`https://INSTANCE-URL/users/auth/saml/metadata`). This page can be used to simplify much of the configuration of the identity provider, and manually validate the settings.