@@ -498,6 +498,7 @@ The following Elasticsearch settings are available:
| `Bulk request concurrency` | The Bulk request concurrency indicates how many of the GitLab Go-based indexer processes (or threads) can run in parallel to collect data to subsequently submit to the Elasticsearch Bulk API. This increases indexing performance, but fills the Elasticsearch bulk requests queue faster. This setting should be used together with the Maximum bulk request size setting (see above) and needs to accommodate the resource constraints of both the Elasticsearch hosts and the hosts running the GitLab Go-based indexer either from the `gitlab-rake` command or the Sidekiq tasks. |
| `Client request timeout` | Elasticsearch HTTP client request timeout value in seconds. `0` means using the system default timeout value, which depends on the libraries that GitLab application is built upon. |
| `Code indexing concurrency` | Maximum number of Elasticsearch code indexing background jobs allowed to run concurrently. This only applies to repository indexing operations. |
| `Retry on failure` | Maximum number of possible retries for Elasticsearch search requests. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/486935) in GitLab 17.6. |
Increasing the values of `Maximum bulk request size (MiB)` and `Bulk request concurrency` can negatively impact