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提交 a8e910ae 编辑于 作者: Sascha Eggenberger's avatar Sascha Eggenberger

SSH Key detail page improvements

Changelog: changed
上级 2d182a35
No related branches found
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......@@ -91,4 +91,47 @@
@include gl-border-gray-100;
@include gl-rounded-base;
// Table adjustments
@mixin new-card-table-adjustments {
tbody > tr {
> td[data-label] {
@include gl-border-left-0;
@include gl-border-l-none;
@include gl-border-right-0;
@include gl-border-r-none;
> th {
@include gl-border-t-1;
@include gl-border-b-0;
&::after {
@include gl-bg-white;
&:last-child::after {
@include gl-display-none;
table.b-table-stacked-md {
@include gl-mt-n1;
@include gl-mb-n2;
} {
@include gl-media-breakpoint-down(sm) {
@include new-card-table-adjustments;
} {
@include gl-media-breakpoint-down(md) {
@include new-card-table-adjustments;
- is_admin = defined?(admin) ? true : false
= render { class: 'gl-py-0'}) do |c|
- c.with_header do
= _('SSH Key')
- c.with_body do
%span.light= _('Title:')
%strong= @key.title
%span.light= s_('Profiles|Usage type:')
%strong= ssh_key_usage_types.invert[@key.usage_type]
%span.light= _('Created on:')
%strong= @key.created_at.to_fs(:medium)
%span.light= _('Expires:')
%strong= @key.expires_at&.to_fs(:medium) || _('Never')
%span.light= _('Last used on:')
%strong= @key.last_used_at&.to_fs(:medium) || _('Never')
= form_errors(@key, type: 'key') unless @key.valid?
= @key.key
= render { class: 'gl-py-0'}) do |c|
- c.with_header do
= _('Fingerprints')
- c.with_body do
%span.light= 'MD5:'
%code.key-fingerprint= @key.fingerprint
- if @key.fingerprint_sha256.present?
%span.light= 'SHA256:'
%code.key-fingerprint= @key.fingerprint_sha256
= s_('Profiles|SSH Key: %{title}').html_safe % { title: @key.title }
- if @key.can_delete?
= render 'shared/ssh_keys/key_delete', button_data: ssh_key_delete_modal_data(@key, path_to_key(@key, is_admin))
= render { class: 'gl-new-card' }, header_options: { class: 'gl-new-card-header' }, body_options: { class: 'gl-new-card-body gl-px-0'}) do |c|
- c.with_header do
= _('Key details')
- c.with_body do
%th= s_('Profiles|Usage type')
%th= s_('Profiles|Created')
%th= s_('Profiles|Last used')
%th= s_('Profiles|Expires')
%td{ data: { label: s_('Profiles|Usage type'), testid: 'usage' } }
= ssh_key_usage_types.invert[@key.usage_type]
%td{ data: { label: s_('Profiles|Created'), testid: 'created' } }
= @key.created_at.to_fs(:medium)
%td{ data: { label: s_('Profiles|Last used'), testid: 'last-used' } }
= @key.last_used_at&.to_fs(:medium) || _('Never')
%td{ data: { label: s_('Profiles|Expires'), testid: 'expires' } }
- if @key.expired?
= s_('Profiles|Expired')
= @key.expires_at&.to_fs(:medium)
- elsif @key.expires_at
= @key.expires_at&.to_fs(:medium)
- else
= _('Never')
= form_errors(@key, type: 'key') unless @key.valid?
= render { class: 'gl-new-card' }, header_options: { class: 'gl-new-card-header' }, body_options: { class: 'gl-new-card-body gl-px-0 gl-overflow-hidden'}) do |c|
- c.with_header do
= _('SSH Key')
- c.with_body do
= @key.key
= clipboard_button(title: s_('Profiles|Copy SSH key'), text: @key.key, class: 'gl-bg-gray-10 gl-px-3! gl-border-none! gl-rounded-top-left-none! gl-rounded-bottom-left-none!')
= render { class: 'gl-new-card' }, header_options: { class: 'gl-new-card-header' }, body_options: { class: 'gl-new-card-body gl-px-0'}) do |c|
- c.with_header do
= _('Fingerprints')
- c.with_body do
%th= _('MD5') @key.fingerprint
- if @key.fingerprint_sha256.present?
%th= _('SHA256') @key.fingerprint_sha256
- if @key.can_delete?
= render 'shared/ssh_keys/key_delete', button_data: ssh_key_delete_modal_data(@key, path_to_key(@key, is_admin))
- category = local_assigns[:category] || :primary
= render :danger, category: category, button_options: { class: 'js-confirm-modal-button', data: button_data }) do
= _('Delete')
= render :danger, category: category, button_options: { class: 'js-confirm-modal-button', data: button_data }) do
= _('Delete')
......@@ -18736,9 +18736,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Expires %{preposition} %{expires_at}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Expires:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Explain why you're reporting the user."
msgstr ""
......@@ -26747,6 +26744,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Key (PEM)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Key details"
msgstr ""
msgid "Key result"
msgstr ""
......@@ -27051,9 +27051,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Last used %{last_used_at} ago"
msgstr ""
msgid "Last used on:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Last week"
msgstr ""
......@@ -35424,6 +35421,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Control emails linked to your account"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Copy SSH key"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Created"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Created%{time_ago}"
msgstr ""
......@@ -35493,9 +35496,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Expiration date"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Expired"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Expired:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Expires"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Expires:"
msgstr ""
......@@ -35538,6 +35547,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Key titles are publicly visible."
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Last used"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Last used:"
msgstr ""
......@@ -35601,6 +35613,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Resend confirmation email"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|SSH Key: %{title}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Profiles|Select a service to sign in with."
msgstr ""
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
fill_in('Title', with: attrs[:title])
click_button('Add key')
expect(page).to have_content("Title: #{attrs[:title]}")
expect(page).to have_content(format(s_('Profiles|SSH Key: %{title}'), title: attrs[:title]))
expect(page).to have_content(attrs[:key])
expect(find('[data-testid="breadcrumb-current-link"]')).to have_link(attrs[:title])
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