Mark 20230428500000 as obsolete
This migration marks the 20230428500000 AddSuffixProjectInWikiRid Advanced search migration as obsolete. This MR will still need changes to remove references to the migration in the code. At the moment the `gitlab-housekeeper` is not always capable of removing all references so you must check the diff and pipeline failures to confirm if there are any issues. It is the responsibility of the assignee (picked from ~"group::global search") to push those changes to this branch. You can read more about the process for marking Advanced search migrations as obsolete in As part of our process we want to ensure all Advanced search migrations have had at least one [required stop]( to process the migration. Therefore we can mark any Advanced search migrations added before the last required stop as obsolete. This change was generated by [gitlab-housekeeper]( using the Keeps::MarkOldAdvancedSearchMigrationsAsObsolete keep. To provide feedback on your experience with `gitlab-housekeeper` please comment in <>. Changelog: other EE: true
- .rubocop_todo/rspec/named_subject.yml 0 个添加, 1 个删除.rubocop_todo/rspec/named_subject.yml
- ee/elastic/docs/20230428500000_add_suffix_project_in_wiki_rid.yml 3 个添加, 3 个删除...ic/docs/20230428500000_add_suffix_project_in_wiki_rid.yml
- ee/elastic/migrate/20230428500000_add_suffix_project_in_wiki_rid.rb 2 个添加, 0 个删除.../migrate/20230428500000_add_suffix_project_in_wiki_rid.rb
- ee/lib/elastic/latest/git_instance_proxy.rb 0 个添加, 5 个删除ee/lib/elastic/latest/git_instance_proxy.rb
- ee/lib/elastic/latest/wiki_instance_proxy.rb 1 个添加, 5 个删除ee/lib/elastic/latest/wiki_instance_proxy.rb
- ee/spec/elastic/migrate/20230428500000_add_suffix_project_in_wiki_rid_spec.rb 1 个添加, 237 个删除...ate/20230428500000_add_suffix_project_in_wiki_rid_spec.rb
- ee/spec/lib/elastic/latest/git_class_proxy_add_suffix_project_in_wiki_rid_running_wiki_search_spec.rb 0 个添加, 51 个删除...dd_suffix_project_in_wiki_rid_running_wiki_search_spec.rb
- ee/spec/lib/elastic/latest/wiki_instance_proxy_spec.rb 1 个添加, 1 个删除ee/spec/lib/elastic/latest/wiki_instance_proxy_spec.rb
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