The following changed lines in this MR contain QA selectors:
The following changed lines in this MR contain testid selectors:
* #{lines_with_qa_selectors.join("\n* ")}
* #{lines_with_testids.join("\n* ")}
If the `e2e:package-and-test` job in the `qa` stage has run automatically, please ensure the tests are passing.
If the `e2e:package-and-test` job in the `qa` stage has run automatically, please ensure the tests are passing.
If the job has not run, please start the `trigger-omnibus-and-follow-up-e2e` job in the `qa` stage and ensure the tests in `follow-up-e2e:package-and-test-ee` pipeline are passing.
If the job has not run, please start the `trigger-omnibus-and-follow-up-e2e` job in the `qa` stage and ensure the tests in `follow-up-e2e:package-and-test-ee` pipeline are passing.
@@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ if lines_with_qa_selectors.any?
@@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ if lines_with_qa_selectors.any?
warn"This merge request contains lines with QA selectors. Please ensure `e2e:package-and-test` job is run."
warn"This merge request contains lines with testid selectors. Please ensure `e2e:package-and-test` job is run."
### Deprecated .qa-selector class
### Deprecated data-qa-selector
The following lines in this MR contain deprecated qa class selectors:
The following lines in this MR contain deprecated data-qa-selector selectors:
* #{deprecated_qa_class.join("\n* ")}
* #{deprecated_qa_class.join("\n* ")}
Please ensure all deprecated qa class selectors are replaced with data-qa-selectors in accordance with our [Testing Guide](
Please ensure all deprecated data-qa-selector attributes are replaced with data-testid attributes in accordance with our [Testing Guide](