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提交 894e13e9 编辑于 作者: Joe Woodward's avatar Joe Woodward 提交者: Joe Woodward

Expose path_lock permissions in graphql endpoint

We introduced new fine grained abilities for the path locks in

This change exposes those abilities in the graphql endpoint which will
be consumed by the frontend to correctly display the lock path button
when a file is either locked or unlocked

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Changelog: added
EE: true
上级 32101ca8
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2 合并请求!3031Merge per-main-jh to main-jh by luzhiyuan,!3030Merge per-main-jh to main-jh
......@@ -33155,6 +33155,15 @@ Represents a file or directory in the project repository that has been locked.
| <a id="pathlockid"></a>`id` | [`PathLockID!`](#pathlockid) | ID of the path lock. |
| <a id="pathlockpath"></a>`path` | [`String`](#string) | Locked path. |
| <a id="pathlockuser"></a>`user` | [`UserCore`](#usercore) | User that has locked this path. |
| <a id="pathlockuserpermissions"></a>`userPermissions` | [`PathLockPermissions!`](#pathlockpermissions) | Permissions for the current user on the resource. |
### `PathLockPermissions`
#### Fields
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <a id="pathlockpermissionsdestroypathlock"></a>`destroyPathLock` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `destroy_path_lock` on this resource. |
### `PendingGroupMember`
......@@ -36210,6 +36219,7 @@ Returns [`UserMergeRequestInteraction`](#usermergerequestinteraction).
| <a id="projectpermissionscreatemergerequestfrom"></a>`createMergeRequestFrom` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `create_merge_request_from` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionscreatemergerequestin"></a>`createMergeRequestIn` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `create_merge_request_in` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionscreatepages"></a>`createPages` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `create_pages` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionscreatepathlock"></a>`createPathLock` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `create_path_lock` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionscreatepipeline"></a>`createPipeline` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `create_pipeline` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionscreatepipelineschedule"></a>`createPipelineSchedule` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `create_pipeline_schedule` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionscreatesnippet"></a>`createSnippet` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource. |
......@@ -36230,6 +36240,7 @@ Returns [`UserMergeRequestInteraction`](#usermergerequestinteraction).
| <a id="projectpermissionsreadenvironment"></a>`readEnvironment` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `read_environment` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionsreadmergerequest"></a>`readMergeRequest` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `read_merge_request` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionsreadpagescontent"></a>`readPagesContent` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `read_pages_content` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionsreadpathlocks"></a>`readPathLocks` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `read_path_locks` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionsreadproject"></a>`readProject` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `read_project` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionsreadprojectmember"></a>`readProjectMember` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `read_project_member` on this resource. |
| <a id="projectpermissionsreadwiki"></a>`readWiki` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | If `true`, the user can perform `read_wiki` on this resource. |
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module Project
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
prepended do
ability_field :read_path_locks
ability_field :create_path_lock
ability_field :admin_path_locks
ability_field :generate_description
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ class PathLockType < BaseObject # rubocop:disable Graphql/AuthorizeTypes
graphql_name 'PathLock'
description 'Represents a file or directory in the project repository that has been locked.'
expose_permissions Types::PermissionTypes::Projects::PathLock
field :id, ::Types::GlobalIDType[PathLock], null: false,
description: 'ID of the path lock.'
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Types
module PermissionTypes
module Projects
class PathLock < BasePermissionType
graphql_name 'PathLockPermissions'
ability_field :destroy_path_lock
......@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe GitlabSchema.types['PathLock'] do
RSpec.describe GitlabSchema.types['PathLock'], feature_category: :source_code_management do
it { expect(described_class.graphql_name).to eq('PathLock') }
it 'has the expected fields' do
expect(described_class).to have_graphql_fields(:id, :path, :user)
expect(described_class).to have_graphql_fields(:id, :path, :user, :user_permissions)
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
RSpec.describe Types::PermissionTypes::Project do
specify do
expected_permissions = [:admin_path_locks, :generate_description]
expected_permissions = %i[create_path_lock read_path_locks admin_path_locks generate_description]
expected_permissions.each do |permission|
expect(described_class).to have_graphql_field(permission)
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Types::PermissionTypes::Projects::PathLock, feature_category: :source_code_management do
specify do
expected_permissions = %i[destroy_path_lock]
expected_permissions.each do |permission|
expect(described_class).to have_graphql_field(permission)
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