-title:"Scanexecutionpoliciesenforcingscanswithan`_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS`variablewilloverrideprojectvariables"# (required) Clearly explain the change, or planned change. For example, "The `confidential` field for a `Note` is deprecated" or "CI/CD job names will be limited to 250 characters."
removal_milestone:"17.0"# (required) The milestone when this feature is planned to be removed
announcement_milestone:"16.9"# (required) The milestone when this feature was first announced as deprecated.
breaking_change:true# (required) Change to false if this is not a breaking change.
reporter:g.hickman# (required) GitLab username of the person reporting the change
stage:govern# (required) String value of the stage that the feature was created in. e.g., Growth
issue_url:https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/424513# (required) Link to the deprecation issue in GitLab
body:|# (required) Do not modify this line, instead modify the lines below.
After delivering and verifying [Enforce SEP variables with the highest precedence](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/424028), we have discovered unintended behavior, allowing users to set `_EXCLUDED_PATHS` in pipeline configuration and preventing them from setting `_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS` in both policy and pipeline configuration.
To ensure proper enforcement of scan execution variables, when an `_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS` or `_EXCLUDED_PATHS` variables are specified for a scan execution policy using the GitLab scan action, the variable will now override any project variables defined for excluded analyzers.
Users may enable the feature flag to enforce this behavior before 17.0. In 17.0, projects leveraging the `_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS`/`_EXCLUDED_PATHS` variable where a scan execution policy with the variable is defined will be overridden by default.
### Scan execution policies enforcing scans with an `_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS` variable will override project variables
- Announced in GitLab <spanclass="milestone">16.9</span>
- Removal in GitLab <spanclass="milestone">17.0</span> ([breaking change](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/update/terminology.html#breaking-change))
- To discuss this change or learn more, see the [deprecation issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/424513).
After delivering and verifying [Enforce SEP variables with the highest precedence](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/424028), we have discovered unintended behavior, allowing users to set `_EXCLUDED_PATHS` in pipeline configuration and preventing them from setting `_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS` in both policy and pipeline configuration.
To ensure proper enforcement of scan execution variables, when an `_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS` or `_EXCLUDED_PATHS` variables are specified for a scan execution policy using the GitLab scan action, the variable will now override any project variables defined for excluded analyzers.
Users may enable the feature flag to enforce this behavior before 17.0. In 17.0, projects leveraging the `_EXCLUDED_ANALYZERS`/`_EXCLUDED_PATHS` variable where a scan execution policy with the variable is defined will be overridden by default.