- Important: The status emojis are not detected when present on the free text input **status message**. They have to be set on your GitLab **status emoji** by clicking on the emoji selector beside the text input.
- It doesn't pick people who are already assigned a number of reviews that is equal to
- It doesn't pick people who are already assigned a number of reviews that is equal to
or greater than their chosen "review limit". The review limit is the maximum number of
or greater than their chosen "review limit". The review limit is the maximum number of
reviews people are ready to handle at a time. Set a review limit by using one of the following
reviews people are ready to handle at a time. Set a review limit by using one of the following
as a Slack or [GitLab status](../user/profile/index.md#set-your-current-status):
as a Slack or [GitLab status](../user/profile/index.md#set-your-current-status):
- 2️⃣ - `:two:`
- 2️⃣ - `two`
- 3️⃣ - `:three:`
- 3️⃣ - `three`
- 4️⃣ - `:four:`
- 4️⃣ - `four`
- 5️⃣ - `:five:`
- 5️⃣ - `five`
The minimum review limit is 2️⃣. The reason for not being able to completely turn oneself off
The minimum review limit is 2️⃣. The reason for not being able to completely turn oneself off
for reviews has been discussed [in this issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/engineering-productivity/team/-/issues/377).
for reviews has been discussed [in this issue](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/engineering-productivity/team/-/issues/377).