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提交 314b9419 编辑于 作者: Annabel Dunstone Gray's avatar Annabel Dunstone Gray

Small UI tweaks on search results pages

上级 11162282
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......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ export default {
<h5 :id="labelId" class="gl-mt-0 gl-mb-5 gl-font-sm">
<h5 :id="labelId" class="gl-mt-0 gl-mb-2 gl-font-sm">
{{ $options.i18n.groupFieldLabel }}
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ export default {
<h5 :id="labelId" class="gl-mt-0 gl-mb-5 gl-font-sm">
<h5 :id="labelId" class="gl-mt-0 gl-mb-2 gl-font-sm">
{{ $options.i18n.projectFieldLabel }}
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export default {
i18n: {
searchPlaceholder: s__(`GlobalSearch|Search for projects, issues, etc.`),
searchLabel: s__(`GlobalSearch|What are you searching for?`),
syntaxOptionsLabel: s__('GlobalSearch|Syntax options'),
syntaxOptionsLabel: s__('GlobalSearch|View syntax options.'),
groupFieldLabel: s__('GlobalSearch|Group'),
projectFieldLabel: s__('GlobalSearch|Project'),
......@@ -102,43 +102,27 @@ export default {
class="gl-lg-display-flex gl-flex-direction-row gl-py-5"
'gl-justify-content-space-between': showSyntaxOptions,
'gl-justify-content-end': !showSyntaxOptions,
<div class="search-page-form gl-mt-5">
<search-type-indicator />
<template v-if="showSyntaxOptions">
<div class="gl-display-inline-block">
<gl-button category="tertiary" variant="link" @click="onToggleDrawer"
>{{ $options.i18n.syntaxOptionsLabel }}
<markdown-drawer ref="markdownDrawer" :document-path="documentBasedOnSearchType" />
<search-type-indicator />
<div class="search-page-form gl-lg-display-flex gl-flex-direction-column">
<div class="gl-lg-display-flex gl-flex-direction-row gl-align-items-flex-start">
<div class="gl-flex-grow-1 gl-pb-8 gl-lg-mb-0 gl-lg-mr-2">
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export default {
i18n: {
zoekt_enabled: s__(
'GlobalSearch|%{linkStart}Exact code search (powered by Zoekt)%{linkEnd} is enabled',
'GlobalSearch|%{linkStart}Exact code search (powered by Zoekt)%{linkEnd} is enabled.',
zoekt_disabled: s__(
'GlobalSearch|%{linkStart}Exact code search (powered by Zoekt)%{linkEnd} is disabled since %{ref_elem} is not the default branch. %{docs_link}',
......@@ -119,19 +119,19 @@ export default {
<div class="gl-text-gray-600">
<div v-if="isBasicSearch" data-testid="basic">&nbsp;</div>
<div v-else-if="isEnabled" :data-testid="`${searchTypeTestId}-enabled`">
<div class="gl-inline gl-text-gray-600">
<div v-if="isBasicSearch" data-testid="basic"></div>
<div v-else-if="isEnabled" :data-testid="`${searchTypeTestId}-enabled`" class="gl-inline">
<gl-sprintf :message="enabledMessage">
<template #link="{ content }">
<gl-link :href="helpUrl" target="_blank" data-testid="docs-link">{{ content }} </gl-link>
<gl-link :href="helpUrl" target="_blank" data-testid="docs-link">{{ content }}</gl-link>
<div v-else :data-testid="`${searchTypeTestId}-disabled`">
<div v-else :data-testid="`${searchTypeTestId}-disabled`" class="gl-inline">
<gl-sprintf :message="disabledMessage">
<template #link="{ content }">
<gl-link :href="helpUrl" target="_blank" data-testid="docs-link">{{ content }} </gl-link>
<gl-link :href="helpUrl" target="_blank" data-testid="docs-link">{{ content }}</gl-link>
<template #ref_elem>
<code v-gl-tooltip :title="query.repository_ref">{{ query.repository_ref }}</code>
.section{ class: ('gl-lg-display-none' if @search_objects.to_a.empty?) }
- unless @search_objects.to_a.empty?{ class: ('gl-lg-display-none' if @search_objects.to_a.empty?) }
- unless @search_objects.to_a.empty?
- unless @search_service_presenter.without_count?
= search_entries_info(@search_objects, @scope, @search_term)
- unless @search_service_presenter.show_snippets?
- if @project
- link_to_project = link_to(@project.full_name, @project, class: 'search-wrap-f-md-down')
- if @scope == 'blobs'
= _("in")
#js-blob-ref-switcher{ data: { "project-id" =>, "ref" => repository_ref(@project), "field-name": "repository_ref" } }
- unless @search_service_presenter.without_count?
= search_entries_info(@search_objects, @scope, @search_term)
- unless @search_service_presenter.show_snippets?
- if @project
- link_to_project = link_to(@project.full_name, @project, class: 'search-wrap-f-md-down')
- if @scope == 'blobs'
= _("in")
#js-blob-ref-switcher{ data: { "project-id" =>, "ref" => repository_ref(@project), "field-name": "repository_ref" } }
= s_('SearchCodeResults|of %{link_to_project}').html_safe % { link_to_project: link_to_project }
- else
= _("in project %{link_to_project}").html_safe % { link_to_project: link_to_project }
- elsif @group
- link_to_group = link_to(, @group, class: 'ml-md-1')
= _("in group %{link_to_group}").html_safe % { link_to_group: link_to_group }
= render 'primary', icon: 'filter', button_options: {id: 'js-open-mobile-filters', class: 'gl-lg-display-none'}) do
= s_('GlobalSearch|Filters')
- if @search_service_presenter.show_sort_dropdown? && !@search_objects.to_a.empty?
#js-search-sort{ data: { "search-sort-options" => search_sort_options.to_json } }
= s_('SearchCodeResults|of %{link_to_project}').html_safe % { link_to_project: link_to_project }
- else
= _("in project %{link_to_project}").html_safe % { link_to_project: link_to_project }
- elsif @group
- link_to_group = link_to(, @group, class: 'ml-md-1')
= _("in group %{link_to_group}").html_safe % { link_to_group: link_to_group }
= render 'primary', icon: 'filter', button_options: {id: 'js-open-mobile-filters', class: 'gl-lg-display-none'}) do
= s_('GlobalSearch|Filters')
- if @search_service_presenter.show_sort_dropdown? && !@search_objects.to_a.empty?
#js-search-sort{ data: { "search-sort-options" => search_sort_options.to_json } }
%div{ class: 'search-result-row gl-display-flex gl-sm-flex-direction-row gl-flex-direction-column gl-align-items-center gl-pb-5! gl-mt-5 gl-mb-0!' }{ class: 'gl-pb-5! gl-mb-0!' }
= gl_badge_tag issuable_state_text(issuable), variant: issuable_state_to_badge_class(issuable), size: :sm
......@@ -23664,7 +23664,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "GlobalSearch|%{linkStart}Exact code search (powered by Zoekt)%{linkEnd} is disabled since %{ref_elem} is not the default branch. %{docs_link}"
msgstr ""
msgid "GlobalSearch|%{linkStart}Exact code search (powered by Zoekt)%{linkEnd} is enabled"
msgid "GlobalSearch|%{linkStart}Exact code search (powered by Zoekt)%{linkEnd} is enabled."
msgstr ""
msgid "GlobalSearch|Aggregations load error."
......@@ -23838,9 +23838,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "GlobalSearch|Showing top %{maxItems}"
msgstr ""
msgid "GlobalSearch|Syntax options"
msgstr ""
msgid "GlobalSearch|The search term must be at least 3 characters long."
msgstr ""
......@@ -23874,6 +23871,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "GlobalSearch|Users"
msgstr ""
msgid "GlobalSearch|View syntax options."
msgstr ""
msgid "GlobalSearch|What are you searching for?"
msgstr ""
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