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  • Stan Hu's avatar
    Fix Vite HMR Content Security Policy rules · 25f1a1d5
    Stan Hu 创作于
    Previously the Vite HMR Content Security Policy rules would
    assume that NGINX were in the loop: the allowed hostname
    would be the GitLab hostname + `/vite-dev`. However, for
    users running without NGINX, the browser might try to access
    the HMR host directly via `localhost` or ``, which would
    not be permitted by the current rules.
    We fix this by using the HMR host set in the Vite GDK helper using the
    `VITE_HMR_HTTP_URL` and `VITE_HMR_WS_URL` environment variables set
    there. We need both HTTP and Websocket URLs because Vite will ping the
    HTTP URL if the Websocket becomes unreachable.
    Changelog: fixed
    Fix Vite HMR Content Security Policy rules
    Stan Hu 创作于
    Previously the Vite HMR Content Security Policy rules would
    assume that NGINX were in the loop: the allowed hostname
    would be the GitLab hostname + `/vite-dev`. However, for
    users running without NGINX, the browser might try to access
    the HMR host directly via `localhost` or ``, which would
    not be permitted by the current rules.
    We fix this by using the HMR host set in the Vite GDK helper using the
    `VITE_HMR_HTTP_URL` and `VITE_HMR_WS_URL` environment variables set
    there. We need both HTTP and Websocket URLs because Vite will ping the
    HTTP URL if the Websocket becomes unreachable.
    Changelog: fixed
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