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  • Simon Tomlinson's avatar
    Register web_hook_logs for partitioning directly · 23b5e1ae
    Simon Tomlinson 创作于
    Before this change, we registered web_hook_logs for partitioning in the
    class, as normal. However this caused a bug if the feature flag
    web_hook_logs_daily_enabled was set because the feature flag
    changed the table_name read by the partition manager.
    Fix this by directly registering both web_hook_logs tables directly in
    the initializer, bypassing the feature flag and keeping tables
    compatible with both feature flag states.
    Register web_hook_logs for partitioning directly
    Simon Tomlinson 创作于
    Before this change, we registered web_hook_logs for partitioning in the
    class, as normal. However this caused a bug if the feature flag
    web_hook_logs_daily_enabled was set because the feature flag
    changed the table_name read by the partition manager.
    Fix this by directly registering both web_hook_logs tables directly in
    the initializer, bypassing the feature flag and keeping tables
    compatible with both feature flag states.