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  • Igor Drozdov's avatar
    Set the user who applies suggestion as the commit author · bcf22d69
    Igor Drozdov 创作于
    For a single suggestion:
    - The author of the suggestion note is set as the author
    - The user who applies the suggestion is the committer
    For batch suggestions:
    - The user who applies the suggestion is the author and committer
    For signle and batch suggestions:
    - The user who applies the suggestion is the author and committer
    In a separate commit/MR an option to provide co-authors will be
    When commit signing is enabled, the committer will be GitLab
    Set the user who applies suggestion as the commit author
    Igor Drozdov 创作于
    For a single suggestion:
    - The author of the suggestion note is set as the author
    - The user who applies the suggestion is the committer
    For batch suggestions:
    - The user who applies the suggestion is the author and committer
    For signle and batch suggestions:
    - The user who applies the suggestion is the author and committer
    In a separate commit/MR an option to provide co-authors will be
    When commit signing is enabled, the committer will be GitLab
将用户和群组指定为特定文件更改的核准人。 了解更多。
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