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GitLab-Workhorse development process


GitLab-Workhorse has the following maintainers:

  • Nick Thomas @nick.thomas
  • Jacob Vosmaer @jacobvosmaer-gitlab
  • Alessio Caiazza @nolith

This list is defined at

Merging and reviewing contributions

Contributions must be reviewed by at least one Workhorse maintainer. The final merge must be performed by a maintainer.


New versions of Workhorse can be released by one of the Workhorse maintainers. The release process is:

  • pick a release branch. For x.y.0, use master. For all other versions (x.y.1, x.y.2 etc.) , use x-y-stable. Also see below
  • create a merge request to update CHANGELOG and VERSION on the release branch
  • merge the merge request
  • run make tag or make signed_tag on the release branch. This will make a tag matching the VERSION file.
  • push the tag to


Workhorse uses a variation of SemVer. We don't use "normal" SemVer because we have to be able to integrate into GitLab stable branches.

A version has the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

  • Major and minor releases are tagged on the master branch
  • If the change is backwards compatible, increment the MINOR counter
  • If the change breaks compatibility, increment MAJOR and set MINOR to 0
  • Patch release tags must be made on stable branches
  • Only make a patch release when targeting a GitLab stable branch

This means that tags that end in .0 (e.g. 8.5.0) must always be on the master branch, and tags that end in anthing other than .0 (e.g. 8.5.2) must always be on a stable branch.

The reason we do this is that SemVer suggests something like a refactoring constitutes a "patch release", while the GitLab stable branch quality standards do not allow for back-porting refactorings into a stable branch.