由 ddieulivol 创作于
This avoids the scenario where the file would contain an HTTP error message instead of the actual content.
由 ddieulivol 创作于This avoids the scenario where the file would contain an HTTP error message instead of the actual content.
将用户和群组指定为特定文件更改的核准人。 了解更多。
as-if-jh.sh 776 B
prepare_jh_branch() {
set -eu # https://explainshell.com/explain?cmd=set+-eu
export JH_BRANCH
echoinfo "JH_BRANCH: ${JH_BRANCH}"
download_jh_path() {
set -eu # https://explainshell.com/explain?cmd=set+-eu
for path in "$@"; do
# https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC3043
# shellcheck disable=SC3043
local output="${path}.tar.gz"
echoinfo "Downloading ${path}"
curl -f --location --output "${output}" --header "Private-Token: ${ADD_JH_FILES_TOKEN}" --get --data-urlencode "sha=${JH_BRANCH}" --data-urlencode "path=${path}" "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/${GITLAB_JH_MIRROR_PROJECT}/repository/archive"
tar -zxf "${output}" --strip-component 1
rm "${output}"