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  • Tiger Watson's avatar
    Add service for migrating a certificate cluster to the agent · eaec7eda
    Tiger Watson 创作于
    Adds a new service that will be used to perform the first step
    of migrating a certificate based Kubernetes cluster to use the
    GitLab agent. The service creates an agent, an agent token, and
    a migration tracking record. In the future, it will use the
    cluster and agent details to install the agent into the linked
    Also included is a basic frontend and controller action, which
    serves as a starting point for frontend development.
    Both the service and the frontend changes are controlled by
    the `cluster_agent_migrations` feature flag.
    Add service for migrating a certificate cluster to the agent
    Tiger Watson 创作于
    Adds a new service that will be used to perform the first step
    of migrating a certificate based Kubernetes cluster to use the
    GitLab agent. The service creates an agent, an agent token, and
    a migration tracking record. In the future, it will use the
    cluster and agent details to install the agent into the linked
    Also included is a basic frontend and controller action, which
    serves as a starting point for frontend development.
    Both the service and the frontend changes are controlled by
    the `cluster_agent_migrations` feature flag.
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