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stage: Plan
group: Knowledge
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title: GLQL functions

{{< details >}}

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed
  • Status: Experiment

{{< /details >}}

{{< history >}}

  • Introduced in GitLab 17.4 with a flag named glql_integration. Disabled by default.
  • Enabled on in GitLab 17.4 for a subset of groups and projects.
  • iteration and cadence fields introduced in GitLab 17.6.

{{< /history >}}

{{< alert type="flag" >}}

The availability of this feature is controlled by a feature flag. For more information, see the history. This feature is available for testing, but not ready for production use.

{{< /alert >}}

Use functions with GitLab Query Language (GLQL) to create dynamic queries.

Functions inside query

To make a query context-specific, use functions inside a query, for example, by filtering by a current user or a date.

Current user

Function name: currentUser

Parameters: None

Syntax: currentUser()

Description: Evaluates to the current authenticated user.

Additional details:

  • Using this function in a query makes the query fail for users who are not authenticated.


  • List all issues where the current authenticated user is the assignee:

    assignee = currentUser()
  • List all merge requests where the current authenticated user is the assignee but not the author:

    type = MergeRequest and assignee = currentUser() and author != currentUser()


Function name: today

Parameters: None

Syntax: today()

Description: Evaluates to today's date at 00:00 in the user's time zone.

Additional details:

  • When used with the = operator, the time range is considered from 00:00 to 23:59 in the user's time zone.


  • List all issues created today:

    created = today()
  • List all merge requests merged today:

    type = MergeRequest and merged = today()

Functions in GLQL views

To derive a new column from an existing field of a GLQL view, include functions in the fields parameter.

Extract labels into a new column

Function name: labels

Parameters: One or more String values

Syntax: labels("field1", "field2")


The labels function takes one or more label name string values as parameter, and creates a filtered column with only those labels on issues. The function also works as an extractor, so if a label has been extracted, it no longer shows up in the regular labels column, if you choose to display that column as well.

Additional details:

  • By default, this function looks for an exact match to the label name. A wildcard character (*) in the string to match any character.
  • A minimum of 1 and maximum of 100 label names can be passed to the labels function.
  • Label names passed to this function are case-insensitive. For example, Deliverable and deliverable are equivalent.


  • Include all workflow scoped labels in the column:

  • Include labels Deliverable, Stretch, and Spike:

    labels("Deliverable", "Stretch", "Spike")
  • Include all labels like backend, frontend, and others that end with end:


To include the labels function in a GLQL view:

display: list
fields: title, health, due, labels("workflow::*"), labels
limit: 5
query: project = "gitlab-org/gitlab" AND assignee = currentUser() AND state = opened