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  • Stan Hu's avatar
    Remove Git cheat sheet PDF LFS file · eda0a443
    Stan Hu 创作于
    `spec/fixtures/git-cheat-sheet.pdf` was checked in as an LFS file in
    2019, but it's not really essential since it's just a test
    fixture. Having this file causes some unintended headaches:
    1. We now have to pay for LFS bandwidth for GitLab mirrors.
    2. When a conflicting SSL cert is installed (e.g. due to
    JAMF), a `git clone` will fail because of HTTPS verification. We've
    seen a number of people blocked as a result.
    While it's useful to dogfood LFS, the downsides seem to outweight the
    Remove Git cheat sheet PDF LFS file
    Stan Hu 创作于
    `spec/fixtures/git-cheat-sheet.pdf` was checked in as an LFS file in
    2019, but it's not really essential since it's just a test
    fixture. Having this file causes some unintended headaches:
    1. We now have to pay for LFS bandwidth for GitLab mirrors.
    2. When a conflicting SSL cert is installed (e.g. due to
    JAMF), a `git clone` will fail because of HTTPS verification. We've
    seen a number of people blocked as a result.
    While it's useful to dogfood LFS, the downsides seem to outweight the
将用户和群组指定为特定文件更改的核准人。 了解更多。
.gitattributes 112 B
VERSION merge=ours
Dangerfile gitlab-language=ruby
*.rb diff=ruby
workhorse/testdata/*.pdf -filter -diff -merge