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  • Amy Qualls's avatar
    Don't run Vale on SVG replacement codes · 2273074e
    Amy Qualls 创作于
    The SVG replacement codes can't be guaranteed to be
    real words, but it doesn't matter. They shouldn't be
    linted by Vale. This MR proposes a TokenIgnores
    line that skips items matching a regex of **{this}**.
    Note that tier badges, blessedly, use **(this)**
    instead of curly braces, so we can lint them
    Don't run Vale on SVG replacement codes
    Amy Qualls 创作于
    The SVG replacement codes can't be guaranteed to be
    real words, but it doesn't matter. They shouldn't be
    linted by Vale. This MR proposes a TokenIgnores
    line that skips items matching a regex of **{this}**.
    Note that tier badges, blessedly, use **(this)**
    instead of curly braces, so we can lint them
将用户和群组指定为特定文件更改的核准人。 了解更多。
.vale.ini 258 B
# Vale configuration file.
# For more information, see

StylesPath = doc/.vale
MinAlertLevel = suggestion

BasedOnStyles = gitlab

# Ignore SVG markup
TokenIgnores = (\*\*\{\w*\}\*\*)