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Jacob Vosmaer's avatar
Jacob Vosmaer 已提交
# gitlab-git-http-server

gitlab-git-http-server was designed to unload Git HTTP traffic from
the GitLab Rails app (Unicorn) to a separate daemon.  It also serves
'git archive' downloads for GitLab.  All authentication and
authorization logic is still handled by the GitLab Rails app.
Jacob Vosmaer's avatar
Jacob Vosmaer 已提交

Architecture: Git client -> NGINX -> gitlab-git-http-server (makes
auth request to GitLab Rails app) -> git-upload-pack

  gitlab-git-http-server [OPTIONS]

  -authBackend string
    	Authentication/authorization backend (default "http://localhost:8080")
  -listenAddr string
    	Listen address for HTTP server (default "localhost:8181")
  -listenNetwork string
    	Listen 'network' (tcp, tcp4, tcp6, unix) (default "tcp")
  -listenUmask int
    	Umask for Unix socket, default: 022 (default 18)
  -pprofListenAddr string
    	pprof listening address, e.g. 'localhost:6060'
    	Print version and exit

gitlab-git-http-server allows Git HTTP clients to push and pull to
and from Git repositories. Each incoming request is first replayed
(with an empty request body) to an external authentication/authorization
HTTP server: the 'auth backend'. The auth backend is expected to
be a GitLab Unicorn process.  The 'auth response' is a JSON message
which tells gitlab-git-http-server the path of the Git repository
to read from/write to.

gitlab-git-http-server can listen on either a TCP or a Unix domain socket. It
can also open a second listening TCP listening socket with the Go
[net/http/pprof profiler server](

## Installation

To install into `/usr/local/bin` run `make install`.

make install

To install into `/foo/bin` set the PREFIX variable.

make install PREFIX=/foo

## Tests

make clean test
## Try it out

You can try out the Git server without authentication as follows:

# Start a fake auth backend that allows everything/everybody
make test/data/test.git
go run support/fake-auth-backend.go ~+/test/data/test.git &
# Start gitlab-git-http-server
Now you can try things like:

git clone http://localhost:8181/test.git
curl -JO http://localhost:8181/test/repository/
Jacob Vosmaer's avatar
Jacob Vosmaer 已提交
## Example request flow

- start POST repo.git/git-receive-pack to NGINX
- ..start POST repo.git/git-receive-pack to gitlab-git-http-server
- ....start POST repo.git/git-receive-pack to Unicorn for auth
- ....end POST to Unicorn for auth
- ....start git-receive-pack process from gitlab-git-http-server
- ......start POST /api/v3/internal/allowed to Unicorn from Git hook (check protected branches)
- ......end POST to Unicorn from Git hook
- ....end git-receive-pack process
- ..end POST to gitlab-git-http-server
- end POST to NGINX

Jacob Vosmaer's avatar
Jacob Vosmaer 已提交
## License

This code is distributed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file.