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generate-memory-metrics-on-boot 871 字节
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# frozen_string_literal: true
abort "usage: #{__FILE__} <memory_bundle_mem_file_name_prefix> <test_count>" unless ARGV.length == 2
memory_bundle_mem_file_name_prefix = ARGV.first
test_count = ARGV.last.to_i
results = []
(1..test_count).each do |i|
  report_filename = "#{memory_bundle_mem_file_name_prefix}#{i}.txt"
  stats = nil
  File.foreach(report_filename).detect do |line|
    stats = /TOP: (?<total_mibs_str>.*) MiB/.match(line)
  abort 'failed to process the benchmark output' unless stats
  total_mibs = stats[:total_mibs_str].to_f
  results << total_mibs

res = results.sort
median = (res[(test_count - 1) / 2] + res[test_count / 2]) / 2.0

METRIC_NAME = "total_memory_used_by_dependencies_on_boot_prod_env_mb"

puts "# TYPE #{METRIC_NAME} gauge"
puts "# UNIT #{METRIC_NAME} mebibytes"
puts "#{METRIC_NAME} #{median.round(1)}"