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  # EE/FOSS app should map to respective spec
  - source: '(ee/)?app/(.+)\.rb'
    test: '%sspec/%s_spec.rb'

  # EE extension should also map to its FOSS class spec
  - source: 'ee/app/(.*/)ee/(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'spec/%s%s_spec.rb'

  # Some EE extensions also map to its EE class spec, but this is not recommended:
  - source: 'ee/app/(.*/)ee/(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'ee/spec/%s%s_spec.rb'
  # EE/FOSS lib should map to respective spec
  - source: '(ee/)?lib/(.+)\.rb'
    test: '%sspec/lib/%s_spec.rb'
  # Map rake tasks to its respective specs
  - source: '(ee/)?lib/tasks/(.+)\.rake'
    test: '%sspec/tasks/%s_rake_spec.rb'

  # See
  - source: '(ee/)?lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'spec/lib/gitlab/usage_data_spec.rb'
  # See
  - source: '(ee/)?lib/gitlab/ci/config/(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'spec/lib/gitlab/ci/yaml_processor_spec.rb'
  - source: 'ee/lib/gitlab/ci/config/(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/yaml_processor_spec.rb'
  # FOSS tooling should map to respective spec
  - source: 'tooling/(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'spec/tooling/%s_spec.rb'
  # RuboCop related specs
  - source: 'rubocop/(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'spec/rubocop/%s_spec.rb'
  # Initializers should map to respective spec
  - source: 'config/initializers/(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'spec/initializers/%s_spec.rb'

  # DB structure should map to schema spec
  - source: 'db/structure.sql'
    test: 'spec/db/schema_spec.rb'

  # Migration should map to either timestamped or non-timestamped spec
  - source: 'db/(?:post_)?migrate/(?:[0-9]+)_(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'spec/migrations/%s_spec.rb'
  - source: 'db/(?:post_)?migrate/([0-9]+)_(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'spec/migrations/%s_%s_spec.rb'

  # EE/FOSS views should map to respective spec
  - source: '(ee/)?app/views/(.+)\.haml'
    test: '%sspec/views/%s.haml_spec.rb'

  # EE/FOSS spec code should map to itself
  - source: '(.+)_spec\.rb'
    test: '%s_spec.rb'

  # EE extension spec should map to its FOSS class spec
  - source: 'ee/spec/(.*/)ee/(.+)\.rb'
    test: 'spec/%s%s.rb'

  # EE/FOSS factory should map to factories spec
  - source: '(ee/)?spec/factories/.+\.rb'
    test: 'ee/spec/models/factories_spec.rb'

  # Whats New should map to its respective spec
  - source: 'data/whats_new/\w*.yml'
    test: 'spec/lib/release_highlights/validator_spec.rb'
  # The documentation index page is used in this haml_lint spec
  - source: 'doc/'
    test: 'spec/haml_lint/linter/documentation_links_spec.rb'
  - source: '(ee/)?app/workers/.+\.rb'
    test: 'spec/workers/every_sidekiq_worker_spec.rb'
  - source: 'lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/known_events/.+\.yml'
    test: 'spec/lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/hll_redis_counter_spec.rb'
  - source: 'lib/gitlab/usage_data_counters/known_events/.+\.yml'
    test: 'spec/lib/gitlab/usage_data_spec.rb'
  # Mailer previews
  - source: '(ee/)?app/mailers/(ee/)?previews/.+\.rb'
    test: 'spec/mailers/previews_spec.rb'
  ## GLFM spec and config files for CE and EE should map to respective markdown snapshot specs
  - source: 'glfm_specification/.+'
    test: 'spec/requests/api/markdown_snapshot_spec.rb'
  - source: 'glfm_specification/.+'
    test: 'ee/spec/requests/api/markdown_snapshot_spec.rb'

  # Any change to metrics definition should trigger the specs in the ee/spec/config/metrics/ folder.
  # Note: We only have those tests for ee, even though we have non-ee metrics.
  # See
  - source: 'ee/config/metrics/.*.yml'
    test: 'ee/spec/config/metrics/every_metric_definition_spec.rb'
  - source: 'ee/lib/ee/gitlab/usage_data_counters/known_events/.*.yml'
    test: 'ee/spec/config/metrics/every_metric_definition_spec.rb'

  # See
  - source: 'config/feature_categories.yml'
    test: 'spec/db/docs_spec.rb'
  - source: 'config/feature_categories.yml'
    test: 'ee/spec/lib/ee/gitlab/database/docs/docs_spec.rb'

  # See
  - source: 'vendor/project_templates/.*'
    test: 'spec/lib/gitlab/project_template_spec.rb'

  # See
  - source: 'app/finders/members_finder.rb'
    test: 'spec/graphql/types/project_member_relation_enum_spec.rb'
  - source: 'app/finders/group_members_finder.rb'
    test: 'spec/graphql/types/group_member_relation_enum_spec.rb'