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  1. 6月 25, 2022
  2. 6月 23, 2022
    • Timotej Ecimovic's avatar
      Expand package info (#566) · 17f57f09
      Timotej Ecimovic 创作于
      * Clean up some package queries and encapsulate db.
      * Fix the loading of templates and zcl packages to include category and description.
      * Increase feature level.
      * Update generation templates handling with the new columns.
      * Update preview and add the template name to the db.
      * Update expected electron version to what we actually have.
  3. 6月 21, 2022
  4. 6月 20, 2022
  5. 6月 18, 2022
  6. 6月 16, 2022
    • Bharat Dandu's avatar
      Adding helpers for zcl cli commands such that the right content is generated... · 774d3270
      Bharat Dandu 创作于
      Adding helpers for zcl cli commands such that the right content is generated for Zigbee and other cleanup.
      - Increasing the feature level pointer for apacka.json
      - Checking for lowercase when querying bitmaps and enums since the atomics are in uppper case under certain occasions for eg BITMAP8 instead of bitmap8
      - Getting rid of the cli helpers in helper-zcl.js and using the new data_type table after the schema change instead of the old logic. Also moving the cli helpers int helper-zigbee-zcl since it is specific to zigbee 3.0 only
      - Adding helper-zigbee-zcl.js to template-engine such that the helpers are included
      - Adding the new zcl cli helper in zap-cli.zapt such that testing of the new helper is covered along with the old one.
      - JIRA: ZAPP-802
  7. 6月 12, 2022
  8. 6月 11, 2022
  9. 6月 09, 2022
  10. 6月 08, 2022
  11. 6月 07, 2022
  12. 6月 06, 2022