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  1. 1月 20, 2024
  2. 1月 06, 2024
  3. 1月 03, 2024
  4. 12月 16, 2023
  5. 12月 14, 2023
  6. 12月 13, 2023
  7. 12月 12, 2023
    • Bharat Raju's avatar
      Show the tootip with path to the json files so that user can distinguish the... · ddd5760c
      Bharat Raju 创作于
      Show the tootip with path to the json files so that user can distinguish the packages when the name and description are the same (#1235)
      JIRA: ZAPP-1288
    • Bharat Raju's avatar
      Feature/spec compliance feature/zap 1194 (#1221) · 15f632a6
      Bharat Raju 创作于
      * Adding the session notification messages with respect to Device Type specification:
      - When a ZAP file is imported the spec compliance messages will be output into the console and will also be loaded into the session_notice table so that they can be viewed in the UI. See import-json.js
      - When the user enables/disables the clusters, attributes or commands in the UI the sql triggers will check for compliance and remove the spec compliance messages from the session notification table if they are satisfied. See the sql triggers in the schema.
      - Adding some color coding for session notice messages in the UI
      * Adding the session notification messages tests:
      - Adding a new zap file for testing spec compliance
      - Adding the spec-check.test.js to test the above
      - Adding additional test queries to test-query.js
      - Fixing attribute tests to return the correct output counts in  query.test.js and importexport.test.js based on cluster side and not just the cluster itself as a whole which includes client and server
      - Formatting the spec compliance message better for more readability on the console
      -  Fixing the sql triggers for notifications in the case of clusters
      - Minor cleanup
      * Adding a polling mechanism for new notifications such that the UI can show the notifications coming from SQL triggers:
      - Updating the sql schema with NEW_NOTIFICATION flag
      - Creating a trigger on Session notice table which updates the new notification flag within session table
      - Creating a polling mechanism in async reporting for session notice flag
      - Updating db-mapping appropriately
      - Update the schema
      * Changing the schema such that triggers only log session notice warnings based on device type requirements:
      * - Fixing the sql schema to delete messages appropriately
      - Having the import spec check messages to show device type requirements as well
      - Fixing the tests accordingly
      * - Updating the schema to log cluster compliance messages to session_notice table
      - Updating the import file logic to log cluster compliance messages to the console and session_notice table
      - Adding the cluster compliance message tests apart from the device type compliance message tests
      - Cleaning up importEndpointTypes
      - Github: ZAP-1194
  8. 12月 09, 2023
  9. 12月 06, 2023
  10. 12月 05, 2023
  11. 12月 04, 2023
  12. 11月 30, 2023
  13. 11月 28, 2023
  14. 11月 16, 2023
  15. 11月 15, 2023
  16. 11月 10, 2023
  17. 11月 08, 2023
  18. 11月 03, 2023
  19. 10月 29, 2023
    • Boris Zbarsky's avatar
      Fix provisional handling for Darwin to be consistent. (#1186) · 8f00f925
      Boris Zbarsky 创作于
      We treated things with neither "introduced" nor "provisional" annotations as
      provisional in availabilityHelper(), but isProvisional() returned false for
      them.  This could lead us to generate non-provisional code (conditioned on
      isProvisional()) that would try to call into things with provisional
      availability, which would fail to compile.
      The fix is to make isProvisional the source of truth for whether things are
      provisional, move the "no introduced annotation" check into isProvisional, and
      factor out the "have provisional annotation" logic so we can keep having the
      warning when we take the "provisional because not otherwise annotated" codepath.
  20. 10月 27, 2023
  21. 10月 24, 2023
  22. 10月 19, 2023
  23. 10月 14, 2023
  24. 10月 13, 2023
  25. 10月 10, 2023
  26. 10月 05, 2023
  27. 10月 04, 2023
    • Bharat Raju's avatar
      Feature/enabled only zap file format2/zapp 1113 (#1153) · 69accf81
      Bharat Raju 创作于
      * Fixing endpoint type command table schema
      - incoming and outgoing used to be in the endpoint_type_command table as a single record. However this is an association that is related to the command source and the cluster side. When the cluster side is the same as the command source then it is an outgoing command. If the cluster side and command source are not the same then it is an incoming command. Now we have 2 entries instead of 1 in the endpoint_type_command based on this logic.
      - The above allows us to implement the enabled only .zap file correctly or else we lose the incoming commands when the .zap file is saved for the enabled only content since the way the commands were stored before this commit is that the client sourced commands were stored in the client side cluster and the server sourced command is stored in the server cluster which was wrong.
      - Updating the endpoint_type_command queries based on the schema changes to the table
      - Fixing the import/export for the above schema changes
      - Updating the UI code to capture the new schema correctly
      - In the insert command for ENDPOINT_TYPE_COMMAND table in query-impexp.js there is an ignore because the .zap files have been hand edited where there are multiple references of the same command in it.
      - Adding generation tests for the enabled only file format
      - Updating the default zap file format version to 2
      - JIRA: ZAPP-1113
    • Jing T's avatar
      create mac arch64 package. (#1159) · 949918d1
      Jing T 创作于
      NOTE: for zap-cli binary, the mac x86 binary is used for the arch64 package
            as a workaround since pkg, the build tool, does not official support for mac-arch64 yet.
  28. 10月 03, 2023