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  1. 6月 13, 2020
  2. 6月 12, 2020
  3. 6月 10, 2020
  4. 6月 05, 2020
    • Bharat Dandu's avatar
      Removing the use of table names in code and template files since there is no need to do that. · 00bb5d8b
      Bharat Dandu 创作于
      - Changing the generation-options.json template file to use joinRecords instead of tableName in group-info-into-db-row-type and thus removing table names
      - Changing the handlebar template files to reflect the above. Also the same applied to static-generator.js
      - JIRA: ZAPP-143, JIRA: ZAPP-137
    • Bharat Dandu's avatar
      Removing the use of column names in handlebar templates and instead using the... · f3ad71af
      Bharat Dandu 创作于
      Removing the use of column names in handlebar templates and instead using the mapping provided in db-mapping.js because this will future proof any changes needed for column names in handlebar templates.
      - Adding more mappings to db-mapping.js as needed by generation
      - Changing sql queries used for generation to use db-mapping.js
      - Using selectAllClustersApartFromNull instead of selectAllClusters to avoid getting global clusters
      - Changing APIs in helper-utils.js to use the db-mapping scheme when referring to column names
      - Changing all handlebar templates to use the db-mapping scheme column names
      - Making changes to generation-options.json which holds the template data for generation to use the naming in db-mapping.js
      - JIRA: ZAPP-143 JIRA-ZAPP-137
  5. 6月 03, 2020
    • Bharat Dandu's avatar
    • Bharat Dandu's avatar
      Removing constants/hardcoded values from generation files menu.js and... · 6adc01e3
      Bharat Dandu 创作于
      Removing constants/hardcoded values from generation files menu.js and generation.js and moving them to a template file such as test/gen-template/generation-options
      - Added a new cluster query which gets all clusters apart from global clusters in query-zcl.js
      - Cleaned up static-generator.js, menu.js and generation.js such that files can be generated generically using generation-options.json. Going through each generation option in generation-option.js and applying a common generation functionality instead of generating each file in a different mechanism.
      - Making changes to ZclLayout.Vue such that when a get request is made the request parameters are the same as the generated file names without extension
      - Modifying testing as per the above changes
      - Adding the addition generation-options.json file in the test/gen-template folder
      - JIRA: ZAPP-139
  6. 6月 01, 2020
  7. 5月 29, 2020
  8. 5月 28, 2020
  9. 5月 26, 2020
  10. 5月 18, 2020
  11. 5月 12, 2020
  12. 3月 28, 2020