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  1. 2月 25, 2023
  2. 2月 24, 2023
    • Bharat Raju's avatar
      Backwards Compatibility Fix (#947) · 76d6233a
      Bharat Raju 创作于
      - Changing the default order of endpoint_attribute_list to what it was such that previously released SDKs continue to build their apps seamlessly. Newer templates can mention this order within the template itself
      - fixing the endpoint_config test to default to old order
      - JIRA: ZAPP-1081
  3. 2月 23, 2023
    • Timotej Ecimovic's avatar
      Deal with ordering in the endpoint-config generated structs. (#945) · d8f65035
      Timotej Ecimovic 创作于
      * Extract the reporting into an array before laying out into a struct init line.
      * Add a unit test for reporting generation.
      * Allow parametrized reordering of reporting configuration struct elements.
      * Parametrize the attribute list struct item ordering.
      * Parametrize min/max struct order for the reporting helper.
      * Another ordering issue.
    • Bharat Raju's avatar
      Fix backwards compatibility for recent zap changes (#944) · 99ad196f
      Bharat Raju 创作于
      - Throwing a warning in the notifications page of the zap UI instead of throwing an error in template-engine such that we backwards compatibility can be maintained
      - Changes to helper.js files have been made to fall back to old way of implementation in the case of global.resource([key]) not finding the data required
      - Github: ZAP#941
  4. 2月 18, 2023
  5. 2月 16, 2023
  6. 2月 15, 2023
  7. 2月 11, 2023
  8. 2月 10, 2023
  9. 2月 04, 2023
    • Evgeny Margolis's avatar
      Added code to enable EventList support for Matter (#914) · fd7e0bfb
      Evgeny Margolis 创作于
      * Added code to enable EventList support for Matter.
       - Added new method to extract events from database: selectEndpointClusterEvents()
       - Added new helper functions to construct list (array) of supported event IDs:
       - Added eventList and eventCount entries to the EmberAfCluster struct
         in the generated endpoint_config.h file
      The EventList data is treated similar to CommandList data.
      The assumption is that events are always server --> client.
      * Removed Unused eventMfgCodes variable in the collectAttributes() function
      * Removed casting for generatedEvents in endpoint-config.zapt file
      * Updated selectEndpointClusterEvents() function to use existing mapping method
      * Updated selectEndpointClusterEvents() to select all supported event types.
      * removed unsupported select field in selectEndpointClusterEvents()
  10. 2月 01, 2023
  11. 1月 31, 2023
    • Bharat Raju's avatar
      Allowing Data types having the same name to be loaded into the DB. (#908) · 7595d774
      Bharat Raju 创作于
      - These changes allow data types having the same name belonging to different clusters to be loaded.
      - The queries have been modified such that cluster specific data types are searched for and inserted into the DB. If not found then generic data types which do not specifically belong to a cluster are used.
      - The changes have been applied to enums, bitmaps and structs and then corresponding changes have been made to enum_items, bitmap_fields and struct_items
      - Extracting the cluster codes correctly in zcl-loader-silabs.js such that it can be used in query-loader.js
      - Updating the requiredFeatureLevel such that the stacks can use the new feature level if templates change according to these changes
      - Github: ZAP#906
    • Vivien Nicolas's avatar
  12. 1月 24, 2023
  13. 1月 21, 2023
  14. 1月 20, 2023
  15. 1月 19, 2023
  16. 1月 17, 2023
  17. 1月 10, 2023
  18. 1月 06, 2023
  19. 1月 05, 2023
  20. 1月 04, 2023
  21. 12月 22, 2022