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该项目从 镜像。 拉取镜像更新于
  1. 8月 19, 2020
  2. 8月 18, 2020
  3. 8月 17, 2020
  4. 8月 15, 2020
  5. 8月 14, 2020
  6. 8月 13, 2020
    • Jing Teng's avatar
    • Thuc Tran's avatar
      Merge pull request #7 in WMN_TOOLS/zap from rebasedBranch to silabs · f61aac58
      Thuc Tran 创作于
      * commit '8e9c0bfe': (28 commits)
        NOJIRA Delete empty files
        ZAPP-200 Begin integrating cluster view work
        aesthetic changes
        attept at fixing server/client
        extra changes titles are in one line titles are bolded table is one single color JIRA:ZAPP-200 JIRA: ZAPP-200 JIRA: ZAPP-201 JIRA:ZAPP-201
        final fixes for JIRA: ZAPP-200 and JIRA: ZAPP-201 fix cluster id > fix enable server client changed table color fix table column tables
        aesthetic changes and connection with backend breadcrums display selcted cluster breadcums are not connected to anything else fixed padding in heading 2 commands are now light connected to backend JIRA ZAPP-200 JIRA:ZAPP-200 JIRA:ZAPP-201
        aesthetic changes and conection with backend breadcrums correctly display current cluster padding between sections fixed Commands table is in light theme added required column in commands table, needs to be connected to backend properly organized the columns JIRA: ZAPP-200 JIRA: ZAPP-201
        aesthetic changes and connection with backend breadcrums display selcted cluster breadcums are not connected to anything else fixed padding in heading 2 commands are now light connected to backend JIRA ZAPP-200 JIRA:ZAPP-200 JIRA:ZAPP-201
        extra changes titles are in one line titles are bolded table is one single color JIRA:ZAPP-200 JIRA: ZAPP-200 JIRA: ZAPP-201 JIRA:ZAPP-201
        Cleanup the imports.
        Add a handlebars unit test and start flattening the code structure.
        final fixes for JIRA: ZAPP-200 and JIRA: ZAPP-201 fix cluster id > fix enable server client changed table color fix table column tables
        aesthetic changes and conection with backend breadcrums correctly display current cluster padding between sections fixed Commands table is in light theme added required column in commands table, needs to be connected to backend properly organized the columns JIRA: ZAPP-200 JIRA: ZAPP-201
        aesthetic changes and connection with backend breadcrums display selcted cluster breadcums are not connected to anything else fixed padding in heading 2 commands are now light connected to backend JIRA ZAPP-200 JIRA:ZAPP-200 JIRA:ZAPP-201
    • Thuc Tran's avatar
      NOJIRA Delete empty files · 8e9c0bfe
      Thuc Tran 创作于
    • Thuc Tran's avatar
      ZAPP-200 Begin integrating cluster view work · c9757ca0
      Thuc Tran 创作于
    • Rosana Pochat's avatar
      aesthetic changes · 98b20efc
      Rosana Pochat 创作于
    • Rosana Pochat's avatar
      attept at fixing server/client · a46246f6
      Rosana Pochat 创作于
    • Rosana Pochat's avatar
      extra changes · 0cbea106
      Rosana Pochat 创作于
      titles are in one line
      titles are bolded
      table is one single color
      JIRA: ZAPP-200
      JIRA: ZAPP-201