由 Bharat Raju 创作于
- Adding quasar extra package back since npm run build-spa was not working without it - Getting rid of more dev packages which are not needed - Adding quasar extensions for testing and testing e2e-cypress. This is used by the npm run build-spa. It was throwing App Quasar App Extension @quasar/testing is missing... and doing quasar ext add quasar/testing-e2e-cypress and quasar ext add quasar/testing solved it. - Updating the cypress and eslint cypress plugin package - Adding license checker since that is used by npm run lic - Adding quasar extensions for testing and testing e2e-cypress. This is used by the npm run build-spa. It was throwing App Quasar App Extension @quasar/testing is missing... and doing quasar ext add quasar/testing-e2e-cypress and quasar ext add quasar/testing solved it. - Updating the cypress and eslint cypress plugin package - Adding license checker since that is used by npm run lic - No need to import @jest/globals as these are automatically provided by jest globally. - Adding autoprofixer package because it is required in .postcssrc.js - Adding test-utils package because it is required by test/jest/utils/index.js - Adding tough-cookie package which is required by src-script/gen-test-runner.js - Adding 7zip-bin package because it is required by src-script/pack-apack-mac.js - Adding cross-spawn package because it is required by src-script/script-util.js - Adding fs-extra package which is used by src-script/zap-combine-reports.js - Cleaning up the relative paths in src/router/routes.js because the import paths had the wrong relative paths - Adding a node module package dependency test for unused packages in github workflows - Getting rid of webpack-cli, webpack-node-externals - Requiring license-checker module properly in license-check.js such that the npm package dependencies are analyzed correctly by something like npm-check or depcheck - Updating jest-junit which is used to get code coverage - Getting rid of file-loader and devtron packages - Commenting out the depcheck workflow for now - Getting rid of the unused packages caught from depcheck: Unused devDependencies types/bytebuffer types/node-ipc types/sqlite3 types/underscore babel-plugin-istanbul eslint-plugin-cypress eslint-plugin-node eslint-plugin-promise eslint-plugin-quasar - Updating a bunch of packages reported from npm-check - downgrading typescript package upgrade and adding queryString package because npm run build-spa fails without these 2 changes - Reverting the package upgrade to node-ipc - Reverting the changes made to quasar extentions json file - Downgrading the Vue tour package because upgrading it breaks the vue tour - Downgrading some of the packages because they are causing notifications pane to not work properly - Updating sqlite3 and rmeoving the github actions for now - fixing ui.test.js for undefined this.endpointId and component not defined - Reverting the changes to the relative path in the routes - Adding a router for the ui.test.js because the ui tests are not picking up the new router information and therefore throwing a Component not defined error which was happening due to the Vue packages and their dependencies being updated - Downgrading axios since Github CI is runnning into axios issues on matter regen - updating node-gyp and cypress code coverage npm pacakges - JIRA: ZAPP-1138
由 Bharat Raju 创作于- Adding quasar extra package back since npm run build-spa was not working without it - Getting rid of more dev packages which are not needed - Adding quasar extensions for testing and testing e2e-cypress. This is used by the npm run build-spa. It was throwing App Quasar App Extension @quasar/testing is missing... and doing quasar ext add quasar/testing-e2e-cypress and quasar ext add quasar/testing solved it. - Updating the cypress and eslint cypress plugin package - Adding license checker since that is used by npm run lic - Adding quasar extensions for testing and testing e2e-cypress. This is used by the npm run build-spa. It was throwing App Quasar App Extension @quasar/testing is missing... and doing quasar ext add quasar/testing-e2e-cypress and quasar ext add quasar/testing solved it. - Updating the cypress and eslint cypress plugin package - Adding license checker since that is used by npm run lic - No need to import @jest/globals as these are automatically provided by jest globally. - Adding autoprofixer package because it is required in .postcssrc.js - Adding test-utils package because it is required by test/jest/utils/index.js - Adding tough-cookie package which is required by src-script/gen-test-runner.js - Adding 7zip-bin package because it is required by src-script/pack-apack-mac.js - Adding cross-spawn package because it is required by src-script/script-util.js - Adding fs-extra package which is used by src-script/zap-combine-reports.js - Cleaning up the relative paths in src/router/routes.js because the import paths had the wrong relative paths - Adding a node module package dependency test for unused packages in github workflows - Getting rid of webpack-cli, webpack-node-externals - Requiring license-checker module properly in license-check.js such that the npm package dependencies are analyzed correctly by something like npm-check or depcheck - Updating jest-junit which is used to get code coverage - Getting rid of file-loader and devtron packages - Commenting out the depcheck workflow for now - Getting rid of the unused packages caught from depcheck: Unused devDependencies types/bytebuffer types/node-ipc types/sqlite3 types/underscore babel-plugin-istanbul eslint-plugin-cypress eslint-plugin-node eslint-plugin-promise eslint-plugin-quasar - Updating a bunch of packages reported from npm-check - downgrading typescript package upgrade and adding queryString package because npm run build-spa fails without these 2 changes - Reverting the package upgrade to node-ipc - Reverting the changes made to quasar extentions json file - Downgrading the Vue tour package because upgrading it breaks the vue tour - Downgrading some of the packages because they are causing notifications pane to not work properly - Updating sqlite3 and rmeoving the github actions for now - fixing ui.test.js for undefined this.endpointId and component not defined - Reverting the changes to the relative path in the routes - Adding a router for the ui.test.js because the ui tests are not picking up the new router information and therefore throwing a Component not defined error which was happening due to the Vue packages and their dependencies being updated - Downgrading axios since Github CI is runnning into axios issues on matter regen - updating node-gyp and cypress code coverage npm pacakges - JIRA: ZAPP-1138
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