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 *    Copyright (c) 2020 Silicon Labs
 *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *    limitations under the License.
const path = require('path')
const { dialog, Menu, shell } = require('electron')
const env = require('../util/env.js')
const queryGeneric = require('../db/query-generic.js')
const querySession = require('../db/query-session.js')
const exportJs = require('../importexport/export.js')
const uiJs = require('../ui/ui-util.js')
const preference = require('./preference.js')
const about = require('./about.js')
const generationEngine = require('../generator/generation-engine.js')
const queryPackage = require('../db/query-package.js')
const dbEnum = require('../../src-shared/db-enum.js')
const commonUrl = require('../../src-shared/common-url.js')
const browserApi = require('../ui/browser-api.js')

const template = [
    role: 'fileMenu',
    submenu: [
        label: 'New Configuration...',
        accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+N',
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        click(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
          uiJs.openNewConfiguration(env.mainDatabase(), httpPort)
        label: 'Open File...',
        accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+O',
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        click(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
          doOpen(menuItem, browserWindow, event)
        label: 'Save',
        accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+S',
        click(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
          doSave(menuItem, browserWindow, event)
        label: 'Save As...',
        click(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
          doSaveAs(menuItem, browserWindow, event)
        type: 'separator',
        label: 'Generate Code',
        click(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
        label: 'Preferences...',
        click(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
          preference.createOrShowPreferencesWindow(browserWindow, httpPort)
        type: 'separator',
        role: 'close',
        type: 'separator',
        role: 'quit',
    role: 'editMenu',
    role: 'viewMenu',
    role: 'windowMenu',
    label: 'Help',
    submenu: [
        label: 'Documentation',
        click(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
        label: 'User and session information',
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        click(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
          getUserSessionInfoMessage(env.mainDatabase(), browserWindow)
            .then((msg) => {
              dialog.showMessageBox(browserWindow, {
                title: 'User and session information',
                message: msg,
                buttons: ['Dismiss'],
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            .catch((err) => uiJs.showErrorMessage('Session info', err))
        label: 'Renderer API information',
        click(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
          let msg = browserApi.getRendererApiInformation(browserWindow)
          dialog.showMessageBox(browserWindow, {
            title: 'Renderer API information',
            message: msg,
            buttons: ['Dismiss'],
        label: 'About',
        click(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
          about.createOrShowAboutWindow(browserWindow, httpPort)
async function getUserSessionInfoMessage(db, browserWindow) {
  let userKey = await browserApi.getUserKeyFromBrowserWindow(browserWindow)
  let session = await querySession.getSessionInfoFromSessionKey(db, userKey)
  let sessionUuid = await browserApi.getSessionUuidFromBrowserWindow(
  return `
  Browser session UUID: ${sessionUuid}
  Browser user key: ${userKey}

  Session id: ${session.sessionId}
  Session creationTime: ${new Date(session.creationTime)}
  Session session key:  ${session.sessionKey}

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 * Perform a file->open operation.
 * @param {*} menuItem
 * @param {*} browserWindow
 * @param {*} event
function doOpen(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
    .then((filePath) => {
        properties: ['openFile', 'multiSelections'],
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      if (filePath != null) {
        opts.defaultPath = filePath
      return dialog.showOpenDialog(opts)
    .then((result) => {
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      if (!result.canceled) {
        fileOpen(env.mainDatabase(), result.filePaths)
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    .catch((err) => uiJs.showErrorMessage('Open file', err))
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 * Perform a save, defering to save as if file is not yet selected.
 * @param {*} menuItem
 * @param {*} browserWindow
 * @param {*} event
function doSave(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
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    .then((sessionKey) =>
      querySession.getSessionInfoFromSessionKey(env.mainDatabase(), sessionKey)
    .then((filePath) => {
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      if (filePath == null) {
        doSaveAs(menuItem, browserWindow, event)
      } else {
        return fileSave(env.mainDatabase(), browserWindow, filePath)
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 * Perform save as.
 * @param {*} menuItem
 * @param {*} browserWindow
 * @param {*} event
function doSaveAs(menuItem, browserWindow, event) {
    .then((filePath) => {
        filters: [
          { name: 'ZAP Config', extensions: ['zap'] },
          { name: 'All Files', extensions: ['*'] },
      if (filePath != null) {
        opts.defaultPath = filePath
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      return dialog.showSaveDialog(opts)
    .then((result) => {
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      if (!result.canceled) {
        return fileSave(env.mainDatabase(), browserWindow, result.filePath)
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      } else {
    .then((filePath) => {
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      if (filePath != null) {

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        dialog.showMessageBox(browserWindow, {
          title: 'Save',
          message: `Save done. Output: ${filePath}`,
    .catch((err) => uiJs.showErrorMessage('Save file', err))
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 * This function gets the directory where user wants the output and
 * calls generateCode function which generates the code in the user selected
 * output.
 * @param {*} browserWindow
function generateInDir(browserWindow) {
      buttonLabel: 'Save',
      properties: ['openDirectory', 'createDirectory'],
    .then((result) => {
      if (!result.canceled) {
        return Promise.resolve({ path: result.filePaths[0] })
        return Promise.resolve({})
    .then((context) => {
      if (!('path' in context)) return context

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        .then((sessionKey) =>
        .then((session) => {
          env.logInfo(`Generating for session ${session.sessionId}`)
          context.sessionId = session.sessionId
          return context
    .then((context) => {
      context.packageIds = []
      if (!('sessionId' in context)) return context

        `Collecting session packages for session ${context.sessionId}`
      return queryPackage
        .then((pkgs) => {
          pkgs.forEach((pkg) => {
            env.logInfo(`Package ${}, type: ${pkg.type}`)
          return context
      context.packageIds.forEach((pkgId) => {
          `Setting up generation for session ${context.sessionId} and package ${pkgId}`
      return Promise.all(promises).then(() => context)
    .then((context) => {
      dialog.showMessageBox(browserWindow, {
        title: 'Generation',
        message: `Generation Output: ${context.path}`,
        buttons: ['Ok'],
    .catch((err) => uiJs.showErrorMessage('Save file', err))
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 * perform the save.
 * @param {*} db
 * @param {*} browserWindow
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 * @param {*} filePath
 * @returns Promise of saving.
function fileSave(db, browserWindow, filePath) {
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    .then((sessionKey) =>
      querySession.getSessionInfoFromSessionKey(db, sessionKey)
      return querySession
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    .then((row) => exportJs.exportDataIntoFile(db, row.sessionId, filePath))
    .catch((err) => uiJs.showErrorMessage('File save', err))
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 * Perform the do open action, possibly reading in multiple files.
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 * @param {*} db
 * @param {*} filePaths
function fileOpen(db, filePaths) {
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  filePaths.forEach((filePath, index) => {
    uiJs.readAndOpenFile(db, filePath, httpPort)
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 * Initialize a menu.
 * @export
 * @param {*} port
function initMenu(port) {
  httpPort = port
  const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template)

exports.initMenu = initMenu