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TODO 843 字节
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    Thiago Macieira 已提交
    ==== To Do list for libcbor ====
    === General ===
    * API review
    * Benchmark
    * Write examples
    ** Simple decoder
    ** Decoder to JSON
    ** Windowed encoding/decoding (limited memory)
    === Encoder ===
    * Write API docs
    * Add API for creating indeterminate-length arrays and maps
    * Add API for creating indeterminate-length strings
    * Add API for relaxing doubles to floats and to integers
    * Add length-checking of the sub-containers (#ifndef CBOR_ENCODER_NO_USER_CHECK)
    * Decide how to indicate number of bytes needed
    ** Suggestion: return negative number from the functions
    === Decoder ===
    * Write functions not yet implemented
    * Add API for stream-decoding strings
    * Add API for checking known tags and simple types
    * (unlikely) Add API for checking the pairing of a tag and the tagged type
    * Write tests for error conditions
    * Fuzzy-test the decoder