Build infrastructure used to produce the whole ASP.NET Core stack.
Released Builds
ASP.NET Core Runtime Store
The runtime store can be downloaded from here.
NuGet packages
All published ASP.NET Core packages can be found on https://www.nuget.org/profiles/aspnet.
Commonly referenced packages:
Package | NuGet.org |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App | |
Microsoft.AspNetCore |
Daily builds
NuGet packages
Packages can be found on https://dotnet.myget.org/gallery/dotnet-core. This feed may include packages that will not be supported in a officially released build.
Commonly referenced packages:
Package | MyGet |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App | |
Microsoft.AspNetCore |
ASP.NET Core Shared Framework
Platform | Latest (dev branch) |
release/2.1 |
Windows (x64) |
Installer (exe) Archive (zip) |
Installer (exe) Archive (zip) |
Windows (x86) |
Installer (exe) Archive (zip) |
Installer (exe) Archive (zip) |
macOS (x64) | Archive (tar.gz) | Archive (tar.gz) |
Linux (x64) (for glibc based OS - most common) |
Archive (tar.gz) | Archive (tar.gz) |
Linux (x64 - musl) (for musl based OS, such as Alpine Linux) |
Archive (tar.gz) | Archive (tar.gz) |
Linux (arm32) | Archive (tar.gz) | Archive (tar.gz) |
Debian/Ubuntu (x64) | Installer (deb) | Installer (deb) |
RedHat/Fedora (x64) | Installer (rpm) | Installer (rpm) |
Building from source
git clone --recursive https://github.com/aspnet/Universe.git
cd Universe
Useful properties and targets
Property | Purpose | Example |
SkipTests |
Only build repos, don't run the tests. | /p:SkipTests=true |
TestOnly |
Don't package or verify things. | /p:TestOnly=true |
A list of the repositories to include in build (instead of all of them). | $env:KOREBUILD_REPOSITORY_INCLUDE='Antiforgery;CORS' |
A list of the repositories to exclude from build (all the rest will be built). | $env:KOREBUILD_REPOSITORY_EXCLUDE='EntityFramework' |
More info
This project is part of ASP.NET Core. You can find samples, documentation and getting started instructions for ASP.NET Core at the Home repo.