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  1. 8月 19, 2022
    • Doug Bunting's avatar
      Backport parts of 48a81a70 (#43357) · f2629ce4
      Doug Bunting 创作于
      - was "Exclusively use Azure (public) feeds (#43303)"
      - Correct ref to selenium-config.json
        - fix what broke `yarn install` in these directories
      - Use `yarn` in aspnetcore-components-e2e pipeline
        - also correct a missing `--frozen-lockfile`
      Co-authored-by: MerlinBot
  2. 2月 10, 2022
  3. 12月 14, 2021
    • Doug Bunting's avatar
      !nits! Build cleanup (#38979) · f072ff85
      Doug Bunting 创作于
      - condense `$(_UseHelixOpenQueues)` YAML
      - restore ability to override `$(IsUnitTestProject)`
      - treat `$(IsUnitTestProject)` and `$(IsTestProject)` as `bool` after Arcade SDK.props imported
      - avoid attempts to override `$(RunQuarantinedTests)`; it's set globally
      - remove unnecessary `$(IsUnitTestProject)` and `$(IsTestProject)` settings
        - override `$(IsUnitTestProject)` (not `$(IsTestProject)`) _before_ root Directory.Build.props
  4. 10月 27, 2021
  5. 10月 23, 2021
  6. 11月 14, 2020
    • Doug Bunting's avatar
      Shorten package version properties (#27784) · 44c0e665
      Doug Bunting 创作于
      * Shorten package version properties
      - `$(...PackageVersion)` -> `$(...Version)`
      - inspired by a similar dotnet/efcore change
      - aligns names with Arcade SDK, meaning our values apply consistently
      * Remove unused PublishSymbols.proj and related property
      - restore Arcade's control of `$(MicrosoftSymbolUploaderBuildTaskVersion>)`
      - would otherwise result in a version downgrade
      * Update `$(MicrosoftNetCompilersToolsetVersion)` to match Arcade's value
      - avoid using an older toolset
      - now successfully overriding Arcade value
      * Avoid an odd `CS8603` error
      - delete the unused `GetOptionalProperty(...)` method
      * Correct an unintentional change reading package metadata
      - `%(ReferencePathWithRefAssemblies.NuGetPackageVersion)` is the correct name
  7. 8月 11, 2020
    • Doug Bunting's avatar
      Remove requirements for VS 16.7 · 3ee7058e
      Doug Bunting 创作于
      - use SignalR.Npm.FunctionalTests.npmproj to get non-stable version
        - not Microsoft.AspNetCore.DeveloperCertificates.XPlat.csproj (avoid C# and F# projects)
        - add `_GetPackageVersionInfo` target to all `*.npmproj` projects
          - make `_GetPackageVersionInfo` target work when `yarn` is not installed
      - switch codesign-xplat.yml to use `dotnet msbuild`
        - above change also fixes Code-sign jobs but they're slightly faster using `dotnet msbuild`
  8. 8月 08, 2020
  9. 6月 10, 2020
  10. 4月 26, 2020
    • Doug Bunting's avatar
      A quick collection of quick fixes (#20993) · 54722a52
      Doug Bunting 创作于
      * Quick fix: Simplify devBuilds.yml
        - remove an excess build step
      * Quick fix: Move `SetupNugetSources` script invocations above `parameters.beforeBuild`
        - ensure NuGet.config is ready for all internal builds
        - remove now-duplicate `SetupNugetSources` invocations wherever default-build.yml is used
      * Quick fix: Clean up SiteExtensions/build.cmd
        - quote all rooted paths
        - check `%ERRORLEVEL%` after every `CALL`
        - nits:
          - add a few more `ECHO` commands
          - wrap long lines
      * Quick fix: Ensure `$(BuildNative)` is always set correctly
        - fix problems using `-all` or `/p:BuildAllProjects=true` without `-buildNative`
          - ensure `$(BuildNative)` is `false` where it's not supported
        - move some duplicated settings into eng/Common.props and `<Import />` the new file
        - remove now-duplicated parts of conditions using `$(BuildNative)`
      * Quick fix: Consistently use `--build-*`
        - avoid `/p:Build*`  on the command line (except with eng/scripts/
        - nits:
          - remove now-useless `-buildNative` with `-all`
          - expand and correct a couple of related comments and messages
      * Quick fix: Support `-all` together with `-projects`
        - remove need to specify `/p:BuildAllProjects=true`
        - nit: simplify some Boolean logic
  11. 2月 20, 2020
  12. 2月 07, 2020
  13. 1月 12, 2020
  14. 9月 17, 2019
  15. 8月 14, 2019
  16. 8月 06, 2019
  17. 7月 30, 2019
  18. 7月 27, 2019
    • John Luo's avatar
      Improve components infrastructure (#12145) · e149f9c0
      John Luo 创作于
      * Remove generated Web.JS javascript files files
      * Build NodeJS project referenced by managed projects by default
      * Build Web.JS before other CI jobs
      - We can't build Web.JS on Linux Musl for example
      * Make BuildAll not override explicit BuildJava/NodeJS/Native/Managed settings
      * Capture CodeCheck logs for debugging
      * Skip NodeJS projects when generation ref assemblies
      * Do not build dependent projects if NodeJS is not built
      * Make build fail immediately if BuildNodeJS is true but NodeJS is not installed
      * Do not build nodejs in installer builds
  19. 6月 27, 2019
  20. 6月 09, 2019
  21. 6月 06, 2019
  22. 6月 04, 2019
  23. 6月 03, 2019
  24. 5月 03, 2019
  25. 4月 18, 2019
  26. 4月 14, 2019
  27. 4月 05, 2019
  28. 2月 23, 2019
  29. 1月 29, 2019
    • Nate McMaster's avatar
      Remove obsolete build infrastructure (#6995) · ac04019e
      Nate McMaster 创作于
      * Remove obsolete targets which are unnecessary now that this repo no longer builds git submodules in a separate build process
      * Remove the need for static analysis of 'ArtifactInfo' items
      * Simplify how the code signing task is configured
      * Remove unused repo tasks
      * Remove duplicate lists of external dependencies and packages to be produced
      * Remove obsolete build definition
      * Remove obsolete build script parameters
      * Add VisualStudioSetupOutputPath
  30. 1月 12, 2019
  31. 1月 11, 2019
  32. 1月 10, 2019