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未验证 提交 0d0103b4 编辑于 作者: Doug Bunting's avatar Doug Bunting 提交者: GitHub

Capture `dotnet` dumps (#36385)

- capture `dotnet` dumps
  - builds are failing soon after `dotnet msbuild` launch
- do not upload dumps twice

nit: Remove disabled explicit component detection job
上级 883c7fcb
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......@@ -661,10 +661,6 @@ stages:
- powershell: "& ./src/Servers/IIS/tools/UpdateIISExpressCertificate.ps1; & ./src/Servers/IIS/tools/update_schema.ps1"
displayName: Setup IISExpress test certificates and schema
- name: Windows_Test_Dumps
path: artifacts/dumps/
publishOnError: true
includeForks: true
- name: Windows_Test_Logs
path: artifacts/log/
publishOnError: true
......@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ jobs:
- BuildDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
- ${{ if ne(parameters.buildDirectory, '') }}:
- BuildDirectory: ${{ parameters.buildDirectory }}
- COMPlus_DbgEnableMiniDump: 1
- COMPlus_DbgMiniDumpName: "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/dotnet-%d.%t.core"
- DOTNET_CLI_HOME: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
- TeamName: AspNetCore
......@@ -267,24 +269,29 @@ jobs:
condition: always()
# Run component detection after all successful Build:* jobs unless overridden e.g. for Alpine build.
# Disabled for now because detector limits some error handling to the auto-injected task. Will re-enable once fixed.
- ${{ if and(startsWith(parameters.jobDisplayName, 'Build:'), eq(parameters.agentOs, 'NotARealOperatingSystem'), ne(variables['skipComponentGovernanceDetection'], 'true'), ne(parameters.skipComponentGovernanceDetection, 'true'), notin(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) }}:
- task: ms.vss-governance-buildtask.governance-build-task-component-detection.ComponentGovernanceComponentDetection@0
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['CG_RAN'], 'true'))
displayName: 'Component Detection'
${{ if eq(parameters.agentOs, 'Windows') }}:
ignoreDirectories: '.dotnet,.packages,artifacts\log,artifacts\symbols,artifacts\tmp'
${{ if ne(parameters.agentOs, 'Windows') }}:
ignoreDirectories: '.dotnet,.packages,artifacts/log,artifacts/symbols,artifacts/tmp'
sourceScanPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
verbosity: Verbose
# Make sure auto-injected component detection does _not_ execute in other jobs nor when overridden.
# No need to recheck variables or build reason because auto-injected component detection honors those values.
- ${{ if or(not(startsWith(parameters.jobDisplayName, 'Build:')), eq(parameters.skipComponentGovernanceDetection, 'true')) }}:
- script: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CG_RAN]true"
displayName: 'Skip Component Detection'
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: Create dump directory
condition: always()
continueOnError: true
contents: '*.core'
sourceFolder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
targetFolder: artifacts/dumps/
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: Upload dump files
condition: always()
continueOnError: true
artifactName: ${{ coalesce(parameters.jobName, parameters.agentOs) }}_Dumps
artifactType: Container
parallel: true
pathtoPublish: artifacts/dumps/
- ${{ each artifact in parameters.artifacts }}:
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: Upload artifacts from ${{ artifact.path }}
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