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build.ps1 9.6 KB
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#requires -version 5

Builds this repository.

This build script installs required tools and runs an MSBuild command on this repository.
This script can be used to invoke various targets, such as targets to produce packages,
build projects, run tests, and generate code.

Sets up CI specific settings and variables.

Suppress running restore on projects.

Suppress re-compile projects. (Implies -NoRestore)

Produce packages.

Run tests.

Run code signing.

.PARAMETER Architecture
The CPU architecture to build for (x64, x86, arm). Default=x64

A list of projects to build. Globbing patterns are supported, such as "$(pwd)/**/*.csproj"

Build all project types.

Build managed projects (C#, F#, VB).
You can also use -NoBuildManaged to suppress this project type.
Build native projects (C++).
You can also use -NoBuildNative to suppress this project type.
Build NodeJS projects (TypeScript, JS).
You can also use -NoBuildNodeJS to suppress this project type.
Build Java projects.
You can also use -NoBuildJava to suppress this project type.

.PARAMETER BuildInstallers
Build Windows Installers. Required .NET 3.5 to be installed (WiX toolset requirement).
You can also use -NoBuildInstallers to suppress this project type.
.PARAMETER MSBuildArguments
Additional MSBuild arguments to be passed through.

Building both native and managed projects.

Building a subfolder of code.

    build.ps1 "$(pwd)/src/SomeFolder/**/*.csproj"

Running tests.

    build.ps1 -test

Online version:
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false, DefaultParameterSetName='Groups')]

    # Build lifecycle options
    [switch]$NoRestore, # Suppress restore
    [switch]$NoBuild, # Suppress compiling
    [switch]$Pack, # Produce packages
    [switch]$Test, # Run tests
    [switch]$Sign, # Code sign

    [ValidateSet('x64', 'x86', 'arm')]
    $Architecture = 'x64',

    # A list of projects which should be built.

    # Project selection
    [switch]$All,  # Build everything

    # Build a specified set of project groups

    # Inverse of the previous switches because specifying '-switch:$false' is not intuitive for most command line users
    # By default, Windows builds will use MSBuild.exe. Passing this will force the build to run on
    # dotnet.exe instead, which may cause issues if you invoke build on a project unsupported by
    # MSBuild for .NET Core

    # Other lifecycle targets
    [switch]$Help, # Show help

    # Capture the rest
    [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]

Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Functions

function Get-KoreBuild {

    if (!(Test-Path $LockFile)) {
        Get-RemoteFile "$ToolsSource/korebuild/channels/$Channel/latest.txt" $LockFile

    $version = Get-Content $LockFile | Where-Object { $_ -like 'version:*' } | Select-Object -first 1
    if (!$version) {
        Write-Error "Failed to parse version from $LockFile. Expected a line that begins with 'version:'"
    $version = $version.TrimStart('version:').Trim()
    $korebuildPath = Join-Paths $DotNetHome ('buildtools', 'korebuild', $version)

    if (!(Test-Path $korebuildPath)) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Downloading KoreBuild $version"
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $korebuildPath | Out-Null
        $remotePath = "$ToolsSource/korebuild/artifacts/$version/korebuild.$"

        try {
            $tmpfile = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "KoreBuild-$([guid]::NewGuid()).zip"
            Get-RemoteFile $remotePath $tmpfile
            if (Get-Command -Name 'Expand-Archive' -ErrorAction Ignore) {
                # Use built-in commands where possible as they are cross-plat compatible
                Expand-Archive -Path $tmpfile -DestinationPath $korebuildPath
            else {
                # Fallback to old approach for old installations of PowerShell
                Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
                [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($tmpfile, $korebuildPath)
        catch {
            Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $korebuildPath -ErrorAction Ignore
        finally {
            Remove-Item $tmpfile -ErrorAction Ignore

    return $korebuildPath

function Join-Paths([string]$path, [string[]]$childPaths) {
    $childPaths | ForEach-Object { $path = Join-Path $path $_ }
    return $path

function Get-RemoteFile([string]$RemotePath, [string]$LocalPath) {
    if ($RemotePath -notlike 'http*') {
        Copy-Item $RemotePath $LocalPath

    $retries = 10
    while ($retries -gt 0) {
        $retries -= 1
        try {
            $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Workaround PowerShell/PowerShell#2138
            Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $RemotePath -OutFile $LocalPath
        catch {
            Write-Verbose "Request failed. $retries retries remaining"

    Write-Error "Download failed: '$RemotePath'."

# Main

# Load configuration or set defaults

if ($Help) {
    Get-Help $PSCommandPath
    exit 1

$Channel = 'master'
$ToolsSource = ''
$ConfigFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'korebuild.json'
$LockFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'korebuild-lock.txt'

if (Test-Path $ConfigFile) {
    try {
        $config = Get-Content -Raw -Encoding UTF8 -Path $ConfigFile | ConvertFrom-Json
        if ($config) {
            if (Get-Member -Name 'channel' -InputObject $config) { [string] $Channel = $ }
            if (Get-Member -Name 'toolsSource' -InputObject $config) { [string] $ToolsSource = $config.toolsSource}
    } catch {
        Write-Warning "$ConfigFile could not be read. Its settings will be ignored."
        Write-Warning $Error[0]

$DotNetHome = if ($env:DOTNET_HOME) { $env:DOTNET_HOME } `
    elseif ($CI) { Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '.dotnet' } `
    elseif ($env:USERPROFILE) { Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE '.dotnet'} `
    elseif ($env:HOME) {Join-Path $env:HOME '.dotnet'}`
    else { Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '.dotnet'}

$env:DOTNET_HOME = $DotNetHome

# Execute

$korebuildPath = Get-KoreBuild

# Project selection
if ($All) {
    $MSBuildArguments += '/p:BuildAllProjects=true'
elseif ($Projects) {
    if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Projects))
        $Projects = Join-Path (Get-Location) $Projects
    $MSBuildArguments += "/p:Projects=$Projects"
# When adding new sub-group build flags, add them to this check.
elseif((-not $BuildNative) -and (-not $BuildManaged) -and (-not $BuildNodeJS) -and (-not $BuildInstallers) -and (-not $BuildJava)) {
    Write-Warning "No default group of projects was specified, so building the 'managed' and 'native' subsets of projects. Run ``build.cmd -help`` for more details."
    # This goal of this is to pick a sensible default for `build.cmd` with zero arguments.
    # Now that we support subfolder invokations of build.cmd, we will be pushing to have build.cmd build everything (-all) by default
if ($BuildInstallers) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildInstallers=true" }
if ($BuildManaged) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildManaged=true" }
if ($BuildNative) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildNative=true" }
if ($BuildNodeJS) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildNodeJS=true" }
if ($BuildJava) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildJava=true" }

if ($NoBuildInstallers) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildInstallers=false" }
if ($NoBuildManaged) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildManaged=false" }
if ($NoBuildNative) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildNative=false" }
if ($NoBuildNodeJS) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildNodeJS=false" }
if ($NoBuildJava) { $MSBuildArguments += "/p:BuildJava=false" }

$RunBuild = if ($NoBuild) { $false } else { $true }

# Run restore by default unless -NoRestore is set.
# -NoBuild implies -NoRestore, unless -Restore is explicitly set (as in restore.cmd)
$RunRestore = if ($NoRestore) { $false }
    elseif ($Restore) { $true }
    elseif ($NoBuild) { $false }
    else { $true }

# Target selection
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:_RunRestore=$RunRestore"
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:_RunBuild=$RunBuild"
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:_RunPack=$Pack"
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:_RunTests=$Test"
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:_RunSign=$Sign"

$MSBuildArguments += "/p:TargetArchitecture=$Architecture"
$MSBuildArguments += "/p:TargetOsName=win"

Import-Module -Force -Scope Local (Join-Path $korebuildPath 'KoreBuild.psd1')

try {
    Set-KoreBuildSettings -ToolsSource $ToolsSource -DotNetHome $DotNetHome -RepoPath $PSScriptRoot -ConfigFile $ConfigFile -CI:$CI
    if ($ForceCoreMsbuild) {
        $global:KoreBuildSettings.MSBuildType = 'core'
    Invoke-KoreBuildCommand 'default-build' @MSBuildArguments
finally {
    Remove-Module 'KoreBuild' -ErrorAction Ignore