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.editorconfig 1012 字节
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  • 了解如何忽略特定修订
  • ; EditorConfig to support per-solution formatting.
    ; Use the EditorConfig VS add-in to make this work.
    ; Here are some resources for what's supported for .NET/C#
    ; Be **careful** editing this because some of the rules don't support adding a severity level
    ; For instance if you change to `dotnet_sort_system_directives_first = true:warning` (adding `:warning`)
    ; then the rule will be silently ignored.
    ; This is the default for the codeline.
    root = true
    indent_style = space
    charset = utf-8
    trim_trailing_whitespace = true
    insert_final_newline = true
    dotnet_sort_system_directives_first = true
    indent_size = 2
    indent_size = 2
    indent_size = 4
    indent_size = 4
    end_of_line = lf