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Directory.Build.targets 4.3 KB
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  <!-- Properties which should be set after the project has been evaluated -->
  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' == '.csproj'">
    <PackageId Condition=" '$(PackageId)' == '' ">$(AssemblyName)</PackageId>
    <IsPackable Condition="'$(IsPackable)' == '' AND ( '$(IsTestProject)' == 'true' OR '$(IsTestAssetProject)' == 'true' OR '$(IsBenchmarkProject)' == 'true' OR '$(IsSampleProject)' == 'true' ) ">false</IsPackable>

  <Import Project="eng\Baseline.Designer.props" />

  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(IsPackable)' != 'false' AND '$(AspNetCorePatchVersion)' != '0' ">
    <!-- Always include framework metapackages in patch updates. -->
    <IsPackageInThisPatch Condition="'$(IsFrameworkMetapackage)' == 'true' OR '$(IsSharedSourcePackage)' == 'true' ">true</IsPackageInThisPatch>
    <IsPackageInThisPatch Condition="'$(IsPackageInThisPatch)' == ''">$(PackagesInPatch.Contains(' $(PackageId);'))</IsPackageInThisPatch>

  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(IsPackable)' != 'false' AND '$(IsServicingBuild)' == 'true' ">
    <!-- Used to distinguish between packages building -->
    <!-- Suppress creation of .nupkg for servicing builds. -->
    <IsPackable Condition=" '$(IsPackageInThisPatch)' != 'true' ">false</IsPackable>

  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(IsPackageInThisPatch)' != 'true' AND '$(BaselinePackageVersion)' != '' ">
    <!-- This keeps assembly and package versions consistent across patches. If a package is not included in a patch, its version should stay at the baseline. -->
      Ideally, we would also set the project version to match the baseline in case NuGet turns a ProjectReference into a nuspec depenendency, but
      NuGet does not currently handle conflicts between packages and projects which have the same package id/version.

      Because we still use static analysis to scrape versions, only set this during static analysis, which can be detected by checking for both NoBuild and DesignTimeBuild.
    <Version Condition="'$(NoBuild)' == 'true' AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' == 'true'">$(BaselinePackageVersion)</Version>
    <PackageVersion Condition="'$(NoBuild)' == 'true' AND '$(DesignTimeBuild)' == 'true'">$(BaselinePackageVersion)</PackageVersion>
    <!-- Implementation projects are the projects which produce nuget packages or shipping assemblies. -->
    <IsImplementationProject Condition=" '$(IsImplementationProject)' == '' AND '$(IsTestAssetProject)' != 'true' AND '$(IsTestProject)' != 'true' AND '$(IsBenchmarkProject)' != 'true' AND '$(IsSampleProject)' != 'true' ">true</IsImplementationProject>

    <!-- Suppress KoreBuild warnings about the mismatch of repo version and local project version. The versioning in this mega repo is sufficiently complicated that KoreBuild's validation isn't helpful. -->

    <EnableApiCheck Condition=" '$(EnableApiCheck)' != '' ">$(IsImplementationProject)</EnableApiCheck>
    <IsPackable Condition="'$(IsPackable)' == '' AND '$(IsImplementationProject)' == 'true' ">true</IsPackable>
    <IsPackable Condition="'$(IsPackable)' == '' ">false</IsPackable>

    <RuntimeFrameworkVersion Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'netcoreapp2.0' ">$(MicrosoftNETCoreApp20PackageVersion)</RuntimeFrameworkVersion>
    <RuntimeFrameworkVersion Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'netcoreapp2.1' ">$(MicrosoftNETCoreApp21PackageVersion)</RuntimeFrameworkVersion>
    <NETStandardImplicitPackageVersion Condition=" '$(TargetFramework)' == 'netstandard2.0' ">$(NETStandardLibrary20PackageVersion)</NETStandardImplicitPackageVersion>

  <Import Project="eng\targets\Wix.Common.targets"  Condition="'$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' == '.wixproj'" />
  <Import Project="eng\targets\CSharp.Common.targets"  Condition="'$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' == '.csproj'" />
  <Import Project="eng\targets\FSharp.Common.targets"  Condition="'$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' == '.fsproj'" />
  <Import Project="eng\targets\Cpp.Common.targets"  Condition="'$(MSBuildProjectExtension)' == '.vcxproj'" />