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    Update LICENSE & NOTICE (#6944) · 8878df5b
    Seunghyun Lee 创作于
    The major code change in the UI(#5684) removed all the bundled
    javascript/css files. This change removed bunch of copied js/css files
    but the pr did not correctly address the license.
    This PR is the effort for cleaning up licenses.
    1. Cleaned up LICENSE, LICENSE-binary
    2. Cleaned up licenses/, licenses-binary/
    3. Cleaned up NOTICE-binary
    Update LICENSE & NOTICE (#6944)
    Seunghyun Lee 创作于
    The major code change in the UI(#5684) removed all the bundled
    javascript/css files. This change removed bunch of copied js/css files
    but the pr did not correctly address the license.
    This PR is the effort for cleaning up licenses.
    1. Cleaned up LICENSE, LICENSE-binary
    2. Cleaned up licenses/, licenses-binary/
    3. Cleaned up NOTICE-binary
该项目在 Apache License 2.0下获得许可。 进一步了解