由 dphuang2 创作于
* testing bundled SDK works * regenerate openapi for rce * add proxy to nextjs * add postgres/data to .gitignore * add postgres instructions * add prisma migrate dev instructions * add webpack template for TypeScript SDK * add yarn.lock to files to hard-coded files to not delete * add webpack + remove yarn.lock template + fix trailing slash bug + make requestAfterHook async * add changeset * hard-code client variable * update snaptrade-sdks
由 dphuang2 创作于* testing bundled SDK works * regenerate openapi for rce * add proxy to nextjs * add postgres/data to .gitignore * add postgres instructions * add prisma migrate dev instructions * add webpack template for TypeScript SDK * add yarn.lock to files to hard-coded files to not delete * add webpack + remove yarn.lock template + fix trailing slash bug + make requestAfterHook async * add changeset * hard-code client variable * update snaptrade-sdks