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  • Advait Jain's avatar
    Turn on Python formatting checks as part of CI. (#316) · 43265614
    Advait Jain 创作于
    * Groundwork to enable python format checks (via yapf) as part of the CI.
    With this change:
     * we are set up to use yapf as part of the docker container
     * pigweed patch is updated to use the google Python style (pep8 with indent of 2 spaces)
     * some documentation updates.
    The code still needs to be formatted, and then the Python formatting check will be turned on as part of ci.
    * Format all the code.
    Once this change is merged, we will turn on Python formatting check as
    part of the CI.
    * minor formatting update.
    * Turn on Python formatting checks as part of CI.
    Also, add an option to fix the formatting via the
    BUG=http://b/194404984 and http://b/194404216
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