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派生自 oss-mirrors / ICV / kafka
Yang Yu 编辑于
This PR adds new storage faults to Ducktape system tests.

new faults in Kibosh service:
-- unwritable: write calls will return preset exception on specified directories and files
-- write_delay: delay the write calls for a specific time
-- read_corrupt: read calls will return corrupted data on specified directories and files
-- write_corrupt: write calls will write corrupted data to disk on specified directories and files.

new storage failures:
-- power failure: Kafka process is killed abruptly and the last write to data log is corrupted.
-- high disk latency: delays are added to write and read calls.
-- disk failure: write and read calls on data logs return I/O error.
-- lost volume: write and read calls on data logs return device not found error.
-- permission deny: write and read calls on data logs return permission denied error.

Kafka service is modified to include option for starting a Kafka server on Kibosh filesystem.
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