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提交 e9b58cf7 编辑于 作者: Brian Byrne's avatar Brian Byrne 提交者: Ismael Juma

KAFKA-10158: Fix flaky testDescribeUnderReplicatedPartitionsWhenReassignmentIsInProgress (#9022)

Set `replica.fetch.max.bytes` to `1` and produce multiple record batches to allow
for throttling to take place. This helps avoid a race condition where the
reassignment would complete more quickly than expected causing an
assertion to fail some times.

Reviewers: Lucas Bradstreet <>, Jason Gustafson <>, Chia-Ping Tsai <>, Ismael Juma <>
上级 7f9187fe
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......@@ -49,14 +49,20 @@ class TopicCommandWithAdminClientTest extends KafkaServerTestHarness with Loggin
* Implementations must override this method to return a set of KafkaConfigs. This method will be invoked for every
* test and should not reuse previous configurations unless they select their ports randomly when servers are started.
* Note the replica fetch max bytes is set to `1` in order to throttle the rate of replication for test
* `testDescribeUnderReplicatedPartitionsWhenReassignmentIsInProgress`.
override def generateConfigs: Seq[KafkaConfig] = TestUtils.createBrokerConfigs(
numConfigs = 6,
zkConnect = zkConnect,
rackInfo = Map(0 -> "rack1", 1 -> "rack2", 2 -> "rack2", 3 -> "rack1", 4 -> "rack3", 5 -> "rack3"),
numPartitions = numPartitions,
defaultReplicationFactor = defaultReplicationFactor
defaultReplicationFactor = defaultReplicationFactor,
).map { props =>
props.put(KafkaConfig.ReplicaFetchMaxBytesProp, "1")
private val numPartitions = 1
private val defaultReplicationFactor = 1.toShort
......@@ -655,8 +661,13 @@ class TopicCommandWithAdminClientTest extends KafkaServerTestHarness with Loggin
Collections.singletonList(new NewTopic(testTopicName, partitions, replicationFactor).configs(configMap))).all().get()
// Produce multiple batches.
TestUtils.generateAndProduceMessages(servers, testTopicName, numMessages = 10, acks = -1)
TestUtils.generateAndProduceMessages(servers, testTopicName, numMessages = 10, acks = -1)
// Enable throttling. Note the broker config sets the replica max fetch bytes to `1` upon to minimize replication
// throughput so the reassignment doesn't complete quickly.
val brokerIds =
TestUtils.setReplicationThrottleForPartitions(adminClient, brokerIds, Set(tp), throttleBytes = 1)
......@@ -686,6 +697,10 @@ class TopicCommandWithAdminClientTest extends KafkaServerTestHarness with Loggin
topicService.describeTopic(new TopicCommandOptions(Array("--under-replicated-partitions"))))
assertEquals("--under-replicated-partitions shouldn't return anything", "", underReplicatedOutput)
// Verify reassignment is still ongoing.
val reassignments = adminClient.listPartitionReassignments(Collections.singleton(tp)).reassignments.get().get(tp)
TestUtils.removeReplicationThrottleForPartitions(adminClient, brokerIds, Set(tp))
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