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未验证 提交 5e4c8f70 编辑于 作者: Divij Vaidya's avatar Divij Vaidya 提交者: GitHub

KAFKA-13943; Make `LocalLogManager` implementation consistent with the...

KAFKA-13943; Make `LocalLogManager` implementation consistent with the `RaftClient` contract (#12224)

Fixes two issues in the implementation of `LocalLogManager`:

- As per the interface contract for `RaftClient.scheduleAtomicAppend()`, it should throw a `NotLeaderException` exception when the provided current leader epoch does not match the current epoch. However, the current `LocalLogManager`'s implementation of the API returns a LONG_MAX instead of throwing an exception. This change fixes the behaviour and makes it consistent with the interface contract.
-  As per the interface contract for `RaftClient.resign(epoch)`if the parameter epoch does not match the current epoch, this call will be ignored. But in the current `LocalLogManager` implementation the leader epoch might change when the thread is waiting to acquire a lock on `shared.tryAppend()` (note that tryAppend() is a synchronized method). In such a case, if a NotALeaderException is thrown (as per code change in above), then resign should be ignored.

Reviewers: José Armando García Sancio <>, Tom Bentley <>, Jason Gustafson <>
上级 3ae1afa4
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