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未验证 提交 5146c5a6 编辑于 作者: Guozhang Wang's avatar Guozhang Wang 提交者: GitHub

MINOR: Update doc for raft state metrics (#9342)

Reviewers:  Jason Gustafson <>
上级 e0f215bb
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......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public class KafkaRaftMetrics implements AutoCloseable {
this.numUnknownVoterConnections = 0;
this.logEndOffset = new OffsetAndEpoch(0L, 0);
this.currentStateMetricName = metrics.metricName("current-state", metricGroupName, "The current state of this member; possible values are leader, candidate, follower, observer");
this.currentStateMetricName = metrics.metricName("current-state", metricGroupName, "The current state of this member; possible values are leader, candidate, voted, follower, unattached");
Gauge<String> stateProvider = (mConfig, currentTimeMs) -> {
if (state.isLeader()) {
return "leader";
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