KAFKA-13877: Fix flakiness in RackAwarenessIntegrationTest (#12468)
In the current test, we check for tag distribution immediately after everyone is on the running state, however due to the fact of the follow-up rebalances, "everyone is now in running state" does not mean that the cluster is now stable. In fact, a follow-up rebalance may occur, upon which the local thread metadata would return empty which would cause the distribution verifier to fail. Reviewers: Divij Vaidya <diviv@amazon.com>, Luke Chen <showuon@gmail.com>
- streams/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/streams/processor/internals/StreamTask.java 1 个添加, 1 个删除.../apache/kafka/streams/processor/internals/StreamTask.java
- streams/src/test/java/org/apache/kafka/streams/integration/RackAwarenessIntegrationTest.java 7 个添加, 7 个删除...fka/streams/integration/RackAwarenessIntegrationTest.java
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