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  1. 12月 02, 2018
  2. 11月 28, 2018
    • Lzu Tao's avatar
      Update meson build system · 9a721e52
      Lzu Tao 创作于
      NOTE: This commit only tested on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04). Windows
      build may not work as expected.
      * Use meson >= 0.47.0 cause we use install_man function
      * Add three helper Python script:
        * To copy file
        * To make symlink (both Windows and Unix)
        * Parse lib/zstd.h to get zstd version
        These help emulating equivalent functions in CMake and Makefile.
      * Use subdir from meson to split
        * Add contrib build
        * Fix other build
      * Add new build options
        * build_programs: Enable programs build
        * build_contrib: Enable contrib build
        * build_tests: Enable tests build
        * use_static_runtime: Link to static run-time libraries on MSVC
        * zlib_support: Enable zlib support
        * lzma_support: Enable lzma support