[approvals on all merge requests](../user/project/merge_requests/approvals/index.md)
in the project. Must be authenticated for all endpoints.
## Group-level MR approvals **(EXPERIMENT)**
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/428051) in GitLab 16.7 [with a flag](../administration/feature_flags.md) named `approval_group_rules`. Disabled by default. This feature is an [Experiment](../policy/experiment-beta-support.md).
On self-managed GitLab, by default this feature is not available. To make it available, an administrator can [enable the feature flag](../administration/feature_flags.md) named `approval_group_rules`.
On GitLab.com, this feature is not available.
This feature is not ready for production use.
Group approval rules apply to all protected branches of projects belonging to the group. This feature is an [Experiment](../policy/experiment-beta-support.md).
### Create group-level approval rules
Users with at least the Maintainer role can create group level approval rules using the following endpoint:
| `id` | integer or string | Yes | The ID or [URL-encoded path of a group](rest/index.md#namespaced-path-encoding). |
| `approvals_required` | integer | Yes | The number of required approvals for this rule. |
| `name` | string | Yes | The name of the approval rule. |
| `group_ids` | array | No | The IDs of groups as approvers. |
| `report_type` | string | No | The report type required when the rule type is `report_approver`. The supported report types are `license_scanning`[(Deprecated in GitLab 15.9)](../update/deprecations.md#license-check-and-the-policies-tab-on-the-license-compliance-page) and `code_coverage`. |
| `rule_type` | string | No | The type of rule. `any_approver` is a pre-configured default rule with `approvals_required` at `0`. Other rules are `regular` and `report_approver`. |
| `user_ids` | array | No | The IDs of users as approvers. |
Example request:
curl --request POST --header"PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>"\