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提交 8ab670c1 编辑于 作者: drew stachon's avatar drew stachon

Merge branch 'vshushlin/runner-fields-deprecations' into 'master'

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......@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ class RunnerType < BaseObject
field :admin_url, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'Admin URL of the runner. Only available for administrators.'
field :architecture_name, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'Architecture provided by the the runner.',
method: :architecture
deprecated: { reason: "Use field in `manager` object instead", milestone: '16.2' },
description: 'Architecture provided by the the runner.',
method: :architecture
field :contacted_at, Types::TimeType, null: true,
description: 'Timestamp of last contact from this runner.',
method: :contacted_at
......@@ -46,15 +47,17 @@ class RunnerType < BaseObject
description: 'URL of the registration page of the runner manager. Only available for the creator of the runner for a limited time during registration.',
alpha: { milestone: '15.11' }
field :executor_name, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'Executor last advertised by the runner.',
method: :executor_name
deprecated: { reason: "Use field in `manager` object instead", milestone: '16.2' },
description: 'Executor last advertised by the runner.',
method: :executor_name
field :groups, null: true,
resolver: ::Resolvers::Ci::RunnerGroupsResolver,
description: 'Groups the runner is associated with. For group runners only.'
field :id, ::Types::GlobalIDType[::Ci::Runner], null: false,
description: 'ID of the runner.'
field :ip_address, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'IP address of the runner.'
deprecated: { reason: "Use field in `manager` object instead", milestone: '16.2' },
description: 'IP address of the runner.'
field :job_count, GraphQL::Types::Int, null: true,
description: "Number of jobs processed by the runner (limited to #{JOB_COUNT_LIMIT}, plus one to indicate that more items exist)."
field :job_execution_status,
......@@ -82,8 +85,9 @@ class RunnerType < BaseObject
field :paused, GraphQL::Types::Boolean, null: false,
description: 'Indicates the runner is paused and not available to run jobs.'
field :platform_name, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'Platform provided by the runner.',
method: :platform
deprecated: { reason: "Use field in `manager` object instead", milestone: '16.2' },
description: 'Platform provided by the runner.',
method: :platform
field :project_count, GraphQL::Types::Int, null: true,
description: 'Number of projects that the runner is associated with.'
field :projects,
......@@ -94,7 +98,8 @@ class RunnerType < BaseObject
field :register_admin_url, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'URL of the temporary registration page of the runner. Only available before the runner is registered. Only available for administrators.'
field :revision, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'Revision of the runner.'
deprecated: { reason: "Use field in `manager` object instead", milestone: '16.2' },
description: 'Revision of the runner.'
field :run_untagged, GraphQL::Types::Boolean, null: false,
description: 'Indicates the runner is able to run untagged jobs.'
field :runner_type, ::Types::Ci::RunnerTypeEnum, null: false,
......@@ -112,7 +117,8 @@ class RunnerType < BaseObject
description: 'Runner token expiration time.',
method: :token_expires_at
field :version, GraphQL::Types::String, null: true,
description: 'Version of the runner.'
deprecated: { reason: "Use field in `manager` object instead", milestone: '16.2' },
description: 'Version of the runner.'
markdown_field :maintenance_note_html, null: true
......@@ -13085,7 +13085,7 @@ CI/CD variables for a project.
| <a id="cirunneraccesslevel"></a>`accessLevel` | [`CiRunnerAccessLevel!`](#cirunneraccesslevel) | Access level of the runner. |
| <a id="cirunneractive"></a>`active` **{warning-solid}** | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | **Deprecated** in 14.8. Use paused. |
| <a id="cirunneradminurl"></a>`adminUrl` | [`String`](#string) | Admin URL of the runner. Only available for administrators. |
| <a id="cirunnerarchitecturename"></a>`architectureName` | [`String`](#string) | Architecture provided by the the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerarchitecturename"></a>`architectureName` **{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 16.2. Use field in `manager` object instead. |
| <a id="cirunnercontactedat"></a>`contactedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of last contact from this runner. |
| <a id="cirunnercreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of creation of this runner. |
| <a id="cirunnercreatedby"></a>`createdBy` | [`UserCore`](#usercore) | User that created this runner. |
......@@ -13093,10 +13093,10 @@ CI/CD variables for a project.
| <a id="cirunnereditadminurl"></a>`editAdminUrl` | [`String`](#string) | Admin form URL of the runner. Only available for administrators. |
| <a id="cirunnerephemeralauthenticationtoken"></a>`ephemeralAuthenticationToken` **{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Introduced** in 15.9. This feature is an Experiment. It can be changed or removed at any time. Ephemeral authentication token used for runner manager registration. Only available for the creator of the runner for a limited time during registration. |
| <a id="cirunnerephemeralregisterurl"></a>`ephemeralRegisterUrl` **{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Introduced** in 15.11. This feature is an Experiment. It can be changed or removed at any time. URL of the registration page of the runner manager. Only available for the creator of the runner for a limited time during registration. |
| <a id="cirunnerexecutorname"></a>`executorName` | [`String`](#string) | Executor last advertised by the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerexecutorname"></a>`executorName` **{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 16.2. Use field in `manager` object instead. |
| <a id="cirunnergroups"></a>`groups` | [`GroupConnection`](#groupconnection) | Groups the runner is associated with. For group runners only. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <a id="cirunnerid"></a>`id` | [`CiRunnerID!`](#cirunnerid) | ID of the runner. |
| <a id="cirunneripaddress"></a>`ipAddress` | [`String`](#string) | IP address of the runner. |
| <a id="cirunneripaddress"></a>`ipAddress` **{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 16.2. Use field in `manager` object instead. |
| <a id="cirunnerjobcount"></a>`jobCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of jobs processed by the runner (limited to 1000, plus one to indicate that more items exist). |
| <a id="cirunnerjobexecutionstatus"></a>`jobExecutionStatus` **{warning-solid}** | [`CiRunnerJobExecutionStatus`](#cirunnerjobexecutionstatus) | **Introduced** in 15.7. This feature is an Experiment. It can be changed or removed at any time. Job execution status of the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerlocked"></a>`locked` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates the runner is locked. |
......@@ -13106,12 +13106,12 @@ CI/CD variables for a project.
| <a id="cirunnermaximumtimeout"></a>`maximumTimeout` | [`Int`](#int) | Maximum timeout (in seconds) for jobs processed by the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerownerproject"></a>`ownerProject` | [`Project`](#project) | Project that owns the runner. For project runners only. |
| <a id="cirunnerpaused"></a>`paused` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the runner is paused and not available to run jobs. |
| <a id="cirunnerplatformname"></a>`platformName` | [`String`](#string) | Platform provided by the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerplatformname"></a>`platformName` **{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 16.2. Use field in `manager` object instead. |
| <a id="cirunnerprivateprojectsminutescostfactor"></a>`privateProjectsMinutesCostFactor` | [`Float`](#float) | Private projects' "compute cost factor" associated with the runner ( only). |
| <a id="cirunnerprojectcount"></a>`projectCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of projects that the runner is associated with. |
| <a id="cirunnerpublicprojectsminutescostfactor"></a>`publicProjectsMinutesCostFactor` | [`Float`](#float) | Public projects' "compute cost factor" associated with the runner ( only). |
| <a id="cirunnerregisteradminurl"></a>`registerAdminUrl` | [`String`](#string) | URL of the temporary registration page of the runner. Only available before the runner is registered. Only available for administrators. |
| <a id="cirunnerrevision"></a>`revision` | [`String`](#string) | Revision of the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerrevision"></a>`revision` **{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 16.2. Use field in `manager` object instead. |
| <a id="cirunnerrununtagged"></a>`runUntagged` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the runner is able to run untagged jobs. |
| <a id="cirunnerrunnertype"></a>`runnerType` | [`CiRunnerType!`](#cirunnertype) | Type of the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnershortsha"></a>`shortSha` | [`String`](#string) | First eight characters of the runner's token used to authenticate new job requests. Used as the runner's unique ID. |
......@@ -13119,7 +13119,7 @@ CI/CD variables for a project.
| <a id="cirunnertokenexpiresat"></a>`tokenExpiresAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Runner token expiration time. |
| <a id="cirunnerupgradestatus"></a>`upgradeStatus` **{warning-solid}** | [`CiRunnerUpgradeStatus`](#cirunnerupgradestatus) | **Introduced** in 14.10. This feature is an Experiment. It can be changed or removed at any time. Availability of upgrades for the runner. |
| <a id="cirunneruserpermissions"></a>`userPermissions` | [`RunnerPermissions!`](#runnerpermissions) | Permissions for the current user on the resource. |
| <a id="cirunnerversion"></a>`version` | [`String`](#string) | Version of the runner. |
| <a id="cirunnerversion"></a>`version` **{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 16.2. Use field in `manager` object instead. |
#### Fields with arguments
......@@ -110,3 +110,10 @@ A runner's status will only relate to runner contact status, such as:
When checking if a runner is `paused`, API users are advised to check the boolean attribute
`paused` to be `true` instead. When checking if a runner is `active`, check if `paused` is `false`.
## Runner will not return `ip_address`
Breaking change. [Related issue](
In GitLab 17.0, the [Runners API](../ will return `""` in place of `ip_address` for runners.
In v5 of the REST API, the field will be removed.
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Ci
class Runner < Grape::Entity
expose :id, documentation: { type: 'integer', example: 8 }
expose :description, documentation: { type: 'string', example: 'test-1-20150125' }
# TODO: return null in 17.0 and remove in v5
expose :ip_address, documentation: { type: 'string', example: '' }
# TODO Remove in v5 in favor of `paused` for REST calls, see
expose :active, documentation: { type: 'boolean', example: true }
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