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  • Kerri Miller's avatar
    Move rubocop check to pre_commit hook · 3c5f3811
    Kerri Miller 创作于
    Running rubocop checks on push is frustrating, as correcting any errors
    requires either a new commit or an --amend. By moving rubocop checks to
    pre_commit, we can instead prevent issues it complains about from
    entering the tree entirely, helping users to prevent stubbing their toe
    when they later attempt to push.
    Move rubocop check to pre_commit hook
    Kerri Miller 创作于
    Running rubocop checks on push is frustrating, as correcting any errors
    requires either a new commit or an --amend. By moving rubocop checks to
    pre_commit, we can instead prevent issues it complains about from
    entering the tree entirely, helping users to prevent stubbing their toe
    when they later attempt to push.