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Git for Windows v2.11.0(2)

Changes since Git for Windows v2.11.0 (December 1st 2016)

New Features

  * Reading a large index has been speeded up using pthreads.
  * The checkout operation was speeded up for the common cases.
  * The status operation was made faster in large worktrees with many
  * The diff operation saw performance improvements when working on a
    huge number of renamed files.
  * PuTTY's plink.exe can now be used in GIT_SSH_COMMAND without
    jumping through hoops, too.
  * The MSYS2 runtime was synchronized with Cygwin 2.6.1.

Bug Fixes

  * Non-ASCII characters are now shown properly again in Git Bash.
  * Implicit NTLM authentication works again when accessing a remote
    repository via HTTP/HTTPS without having to specify empty user name
    and password.
  * Our poll() emulation now uses 64-bit tick counts to avoid the (very
    rare) wraparound issue where it could miscalculate time differences
    every 49 days.
  * The --no-lock-index option of git status is now also respected also
    in submodules.
  * The regression of v2.11.0 where Git could no longer push to shared
    folders via UNC paths is fixed.
  * A bug in the MSYS2 runtime where it performed POSIX->Windows
    argument conversion incorrectly was fixed.
  * The MSYS2 runtime was prepared to access the FAST_CWD internal data
    structure in upcoming Windows versions.
  * Fixed a bug in the experimental builtin difftool where it would not
    handle copied/renamed files properly.